Chapter Twelve: One Meeting

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“You’re not seriously going to meet him,” Mason asked as I put my jacket on. “He’s a rapist for god’s sakes.”

“Mason – this is none of your business,” I muttered. “I don’t know what you think I told you - but he never raped me.”

“Statutory rape is still rape whether consensual or not,” Mason sang out. “You know what Taylor swift says when your fifteen and someone tells you they love you – you’re going to believe them.”

“Sit on it and rotate,” I said giving him the middle finger, slamming the door behind me. I was just meeting him for a coffee. That was it. It wasn’t like I was going to sleep with the guy. I didn’t want Noah to know that we had been together. It would be awkward for him to know that me and his coach had sexual relations.

Noah had gone over Isabella’s house and I had taken advantage of his absence to meet Aidan at a nearby coffee shop. When I made it there, Aidan was sitting at a high table. I sat across from him.

“Hey,” Aidan replied. “I’ll grab us a coffee – you still like hazelnut, milk and a lot of sugar?”

He had actually remembered. I nodded as he moved into the line to order us our coffees. There wasn’t a line so he returned swiftly, sliding my coffee towards me. I grabbed it too fast and it spilt on my hand.

“Shit,” I said placing it down.

“Why did you grab it so fast?” he chuckled, wiping my hand off with a napkin.

I was immediately embarrassed. My face flushing beet red, as he talked to me like I was a child. I drew my hand back.

“I’m not a child,” I huffed. “I’m almost thirty.”

“Then don’t act like one,” he teased. “God, you haven’t changed a bit – JJ.”

I glanced away as soon as he said my pet name. I shook my head as he smiled. He always knew exactly what to say to make me feel a certain way. He was good at that.

“So, how life? Are you married yet?” he chuckled, taking a sip from his cup.

“No,” I snorted.

“A handsome guy like you and you’re not even in a relationship,” he said in shock.

“What about you? I don’t see a wedding ring on your hand either,” I retorted.

“I’m still young,” he joked. “No need to rush anything.

“Sure,” I said rolling my eyes. “Sorry to tell you this but you’re getting up there old man.”

“Old man? I can still show you a thing or two rookie,” he said getting seriously. “I pick up guys your age all the time.”

“Oh sure,” I replied.

“I picked you up, didn’t I?” he smirked at me.

“That was a long time ago,” I said quickly, as his eyes fell on mine. I had been young and naïve. I took a gulp of my coffee, staring back at him. He leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms out.

“So, you never told me how you knew Noah Wilson? Are you guys related?” he asked curiously.

“He lives with me,” I replied. “He’s my boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend? Kind of young, isn’t he?” he chuckled. “I thought you were into guys slightly older.”

“He’s eighteen,” I huffed. “And you’re one to talk! I was fifteen when we . . . you know.”

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