Chapter Ten : One Boyfriend

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It’s been three weeks. Three weeks, since I told Noah that I wanted to try us out as boyfriends. The key word in this situation is ‘try’. I admit that I do have feelings for Noah. I actually really like the kid and I am very much attracted to him – more than anyone that I’ve ever dated actually. The problem was that Noah was still in high school and everywhere we went people thought I was his older brother or something. It made me feel like a creepy pervert. It was a good thing that I didn’t care much what people thought. I mean if I did, I probably would have never dated Nick.

I just felt weird, especially since we lived together. I mean it took couples a year to move in with each otehr. It was like we were doing everything backwards. We had already had sex and we were already living together. What more was there to do?

“Jayson, let’s go on a date,” Noah said tapping me on the shoulder one afternoon.

“For what?” I asked. “Dates are only for guys who are looking to get into a girl or guy’s pants. And I’ve already been in your pants, in your shorts, in your boxers and in you for that matter.”

“Dates are for people who are in a relationship,” Noah stated. “Aren’t you and I in a relationship?”

“Noah, we just went on a date like a day ago,” I replied.

“We went on a date two weeks and we went to a club with Nick – that’s not a date,” he groaned. “I want a real date. The two of us alone. How about we see a movie? How about we see Twilight?”

“Twilight? Are you fucking kidding me? I’m a twenty-nine year old man,” I huffed. “If you want to see Twilight, you better call Isabella or something.”

“Fine, I’ll just call Liam and ask him if he wants to see it,” Noah said pulling his cell phone out of his pocket. I bit my lip anxiously. He was kidding. He really wasn’t going to call Liam. He wasn’t, right? I glanced at him as he dialed.

“Hey Liam –“ He began.

I slapped the phone out of his hand before he could finish the call. God, he plays dirty.

“Get dressed,” I muttered before I walked to my room. I could hear Noah jump and down as I walked into my bedroom. I can’t believe I had been suckered into going to see that Twilight movie. What was it with this Twilight series? I hated that shit. I was forced to see the first one with Nick. How many of them did they have?

I groaned as I showered and dressed quickly. Maybe I should just bring headphones? I could just stick them in my ears, so I wouldn’t actually have to hear the movie. Would that be so wrong? But then agin,  if he asks about the movie then I won't know shit. Damn. It looks like I’ll just have to stick this one out.

Maybe I could get brownie points for this later? I could possibly get a little something something tonight for this.

“Noah, are you ready?” I called out to him as I knocked on his door.

“Yeah in a minute,” he said. I fell onto the couch as I waited for him to get ready.

“Where are you going? Wow! You actually showered,” Mason commented.

“I’m taking Noah to the movies,” I replied.

“To the movies? Who’s going with him?” Mason asked curiously.

“I am -  We are going to the movies together,” I nodded.

“You didn’t ask Danny or I, if we wanted to go? How come we weren’t invited?” Mason joked.

“Because Noah wants us to go together alone,” I huffed.

“Alone? Just the two of you? What are those things called again? When two people go out alone with each other?” Mason replied acting dumb. “I just can’t remember what it’s called for the life of me.”

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