Chapter Fourteen: One Too Many Problems

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“Jayson!” Aidan said tapping on the window of my car. I sat up quickly, rolling the window down.

“Hey Aidan,” I said rubbing my eyes. I must have fallen asleep while I was waiting for Noah to come out of practice. Aidan grinned at me as he shook his head.

“How’s it going?” he asked. “How are you?”

“I’m good and things are great,” I nodded.

“I don’t mean to be rude but what exactly are you doing here? Practice ended two hours ago,” he chuckled.

“Two hours ago? Two? I’m going to kill Noah,” I huffed as I glanced at my phone. He hadn’t even texted me to tell me that he didn’t need a ride home today. I bit my lip a little as I turned my car on.

“Well since you did drive all this way,” Aidan began. “Why don’t you help me put all the balls away on the field? The kids kind of left me stranded.”

“I guess I have some time to spare,” I chuckled as I stepped out of the car. Aidan shook his head at me as I followed him out to the soccer field. The field was empty and there was a ton of balls on it. I still couldn’t believe that Noah hadn’t texted me. It was becoming a habit now. He would always be like sorry I forgot.

I tossed the balls to Aidan, as he shoved them into the bag. I remember he and I used to this all the time after practice when I was high school. It was just like old times. I had a crush on Aidan when I was on the team. I mean he was a very attractive guy – still is actually.

When I got to the last ball, I kicked it into the net hard.

“I still got it,” I huffed.

“Ok Beckham,” Aidan muttered as he rolled the ball back to me. “Show me what you got.”

“Are you sure you’re ready for this? I mean I’m significantly younger than you,” I joked. “I wouldn’t want you having a heart attack on me or something.”

“I’m only forty JJ,” he muttered. “I think I’ll be fine.”

“Ok,” I retorted. “Don’t cry when I kick your ass.”

“We’ll see about that,” Aidan scoffed.

For the next hour or so, Aidan and I played soccer one on one. It was pretty tough but I put up a fight. I only lost by a few points. I mean it wasn’t anything big. In my defense, I hadn’t played soccer seriously since high school and that was a long time ago. It was nearly eleven or twelve years ago. God, he was a fucking a soccer coach.

I just gave up and fell onto the grass.

“Someone’s out of shape,” Aidan chuckled walking towards me.

“I have a condition,” I choked out as I tried to catch my breath. Aidan gave me his hand as he lifted me up.

“How does it feel getting your ass handed to you by an old man?” Aidan retorted.

“You’re not old,” I huffed. “You’re only forty.”

“That’s what I thought,” Aidan chuckled wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “Come on! Let me get you a water bottle before you pass out.”

I followed Aidan into the gym, as we moved into his office. He opened his fridge and handed me a water bottle. I sat down and took a sip out of it as I glanced around at his office. There were pictures of all of his teams covering the walls. I smirked as I caught sight of a photo of the two of us. I couldn’t believe he still had that photo – after so many years.

“You still have this photo,” I said tracing my finger on it.

“Of course I do,” he replied. “I don’t lose pictures.”

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