Chapter Seventeen: One Decision

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“Mason if I tell you something, will you swear not to laugh?” I asked curiously.

“This is Mason you’re talking to,” Mason replied. “I’m not Daniel. What’s up?”

“Noah told me that while he and I were apart that he had sex with Liam,” I muttered.

“Holy shit!” Mason exclaimed. “Wow! I definitely wasn’t expecting that.”

“Mason,” I growled.

“Continue,” Mason said regaining composure. He chuckled at my misfortune. What an asshole!

“I mean what if he was better than me?” I admitted. “What if he was bigger than me? Huh? I mean he’s younger and better looking than me. He probably has way more energy. He probably has a fucking twelve pack. You had sex with me! Be honest, am I good? How does my body look? Am I hairy?”

“I don’t feel comfortable answering these questions,” Mason said raising en eyebrow at me.

“Come on, Mason! I’m having a dilemma here! Just give me pros and cons,” I muttered.

“No,” Mason huffed.

“Mason! Please!” I begged.

“No! I’m not telling you about how you are in bed,” Mason groaned. “That’s just weird. We’re fucking roommates.”

“Another reason we should have sex,” Daniel sang out. “If you have sex with me – I’ll rate you on a scale one to ten. I’ll tell you your strengths and weaknesses. I’ll even throw in some pointers for free.”

“Daniel! Shut up! I’m not sleeping with you,” I grumbled pushing him away. “Never.”

“Inequality! It’s not fair that you slept with all of your roommates but me,” Daniel shouted. “This is inequality!”

“Shut up,” Mason huffed.

“It’s alright – Maybe Nick will sleep with me,” Daniel mumbled. “He’s on his way here.”

“Hey! Maybe Nick can help you,” Mason suggested as a knock came at the door. It was like clockwork. Whenever you said his name, he always appeared. He was like the boogeyman. I groaned as Daniel bolted to the door. Nick walked in with a grin on his face.

“Hi friends,” Nick muttered. “And Jayson.”

“Ouch,” I said. “So cold like usual.”

“Like ice,” Nick smiled, as he found himself a seat on our couch. “So what’s going on lady lovers?”

“We were just talking about Jayson’s adequacy in the sack,” Mason chuckled.

“What? You mean Jayson’s inadequacy, right?” Nick joked. Daniel slapped Nick a high five. I rolled my eyes. 

"Boom! Roasted!" Daniel chuckled. "That was a good one."

“Inadequacy? Really? Nick?” I said biting my lip. “I never heard you complain. You used to beg for me.”

“Ha!” Nick laughed. “I should get an Oscar because I am one hell of an actor.”

“Damn,” Daniel said. “That was cold. That was just plain mean. Roasted again!"

“I’m just kidding Jayson,” Nick replied. “You’re actually pretty good, ok?”

“That’s what I thought,” I muttered. “No one ever fakes anything with me.”

“Wait there’s one missing here,” Nick said glancing around. “Where’s that underage guy of yours? The blonde one that was in high school.”

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