Chapter Two: One High School Student

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“Hey, club tonight Jayson?” Daniel asked nodding as he jumped around. He was dancing just thinking about it. I think he was high. Nah, I don’t think –I’m hundred percent sure, he was.

“Straight or gay?” I asked as I stared at my pectorals in the mirror. “Also, I’m thinking about getting my nipples pierced, yay or nay?

“Either one and nay, your nips are gross,” Daniel joked. “Oh and don’t tell Mason that we’re going. You remember what happened last time?”

I sucked my teeth. I remembered exactly what had happened last time. Mason went crazy and got us kicked out. Some girl rejected him and the thing about Mason is that he doesn’t take rejection well. He basically told the girl off and called her a lot of names. She punched him in the face and he pushed her off of him. Self-defense – we say but the bouncer said otherwise. We are all banned for life from that club. Thanks Mason.

“I’m definitely not telling Mason,” I rolled my eyes. “We’ll just make something up or whatever.”

“Yeah,” Daniel nodded. “So uh get dressed and we’ll leave in ten.”

“Alright,” I mumbled as I sniffed the clothes on my ground. I had to make sure that they were clean. I couldn’t put on smelly clothes. Just as I slid my pants on, I heard a sharp knock at the door.

“Someone get the door!” I yelled out as the knocking persisted. I rolled my eyes. Who could that be at this hour? It was like eleven pm. I glanced through my collection of shirts when Daniel practically bust down my door. He was jumping up and down.

“Jay! Jay! You would not believe who’s here right now! You have to go to the door,” Daniel snickered. “You just have to.”

I raised an eyebrow as I walked to the living room. Low and behold, it was Noah. He was sitting on the couch. What the fuck? How did he remember where we lived? This guy was like a ninja. I commend his stalking efforts. He hadn’t seen me yet so there was still a chance to escape. I motioned for Mason to tell him that I wasn’t home, as Mason stared at me.

“What Jayson?” Mason smirked. He had thrown me to the sharks. Asshole. I’m going to kill Mason. This is exactly why we don’t take him out with us. I always liked Daniel more.

“Jayson, I need to talk to you,” Noah said his eyes lighting up. “I tried to call you but it didn’t go through.”


“I must have been busy, so what’s up? Noah with an ‘h’,” I chuckled. Noah glanced at Mason. I stared at him too. Obviously, Mason couldn’t take the hint that it was a private conversation.

“What?” Mason asked. “Don’t mind me –pretend I’m not even here.”

I shoved him out of the living room as I returned back to Noah. He was tapping his fingers again nervously.

“Jayson, I can’t stop thinking about you,” Noah said flushing a little. “I don’t know if you like me or not but I’m in lo –“

“Whoa, just whoa there buddy! Hold the phone, we just met yesterday,” I said cutting him off completely. “I barely- We barely know each other. You can’t possibly love me. I’m like thirty and you’re like eighteen, kid. This isn’t going to work.”

That L–O-V-E word is bad luck. I get bad vibes from it.

“But Jayson – “

“Noah, I like you, but I just don’t see this happening. We are too different. You see- Well, it’s like this. You’re an apple and I’m an orange. They are both healthy for you and you like them both, but you’d never mix them together. They just have two different tastes. One grows in the East and the other grows in the South. Do you get what I’m trying to say?” I said. “Honestly, you’re a great guy, but I think we’d be better off as friends.”

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