Chapter 27 - The photo

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Troy's POV

He bit his lower lip, shaking his head while looking down, blushing.

"You should not run away. Your mommy must be worried, and it is so dangerous being on your own outside without elders. Don't do it again, please. Promise?" I stated firmly, looking into his eyes.

"But I missed you." He pouted as tears shimmered in his eyes.

I smiled at him tenderly. "I missed you too, buddy, but next time when you want to see me, just call me; I will come to see you." I said softly as I hugged him and took him in my arms, kissing his cheek. He nodded, sulking.

"Come on, let's call your mommy." I suggested, tapping on his nose playfully. Alec nodded.

"Hey, Alec. Didn't you miss me too? Since you walked in, you haven't seen anyone else, but Troy." My father approached us, smiling.

"I missed you, Grandpa Aspen." Alec said and gave him a wide grin. My father beamed and took Alec in his arms.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Rose. Fortunately, I asked Liam to send me her number today.

"Yes?" She said softly as she picked up her phone.

As soon as I heard her voice, my heart started pounding like I was a teenager who called her crush for the first time.

I cleared my throat and replied. "Hi, Rose. It is Troy." I frowned as she didn't say anything. "Rose, do you hear me?"

"What do you want?" She asked coldly.

I gritted my teeth and forced a smile to Alec who was in my father's arm while they were looking at me.

"I wanted to inform you that you wouldn't get worried. Alec is here." I replied firmly.

Alec pursed his lips together, looking at me innocently. I smiled at him affectionately.

"What? Who brought him? My mother didn't inform me." She asked anxiously.

"Probably, she doesn't know. He came alone." I replied, rubbing the back of my neck.

"What?!" She exclaimed anxiously. "Is he fine? Did anything happen to him? Troy, please tell me." She asked in panic.

"Calm down, Rose. He is fine." I reassured her.

"Thank God." She breathed deeply in relief. "Could you send him to the mansion with your driver, please? And warn him not to take his eyes off Alec for a second." She said softly.

"Don't worry, I will drop him off myself." I stated.

"No! I don't want to go. I want to stay with you. I had recently come." Alec refused, shaking his head. "No, Mommy, please." He shouted, making her mother hear him, and looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Rose, can he stay with me for a while? Don't worry, I will take care of him. Then I will bring him to you." I asked hopefully.

"Please, Mommy." Alec shouted.

She sighed and mumbled. "Fine, but no more than an hour."

"Fine, thanks. See you." I said happily.


"Alec!" Rose exclaimed in relief as she saw Alec. Alec ran towards his mother and hugged her. "Are you fine, my boy?" Rose asked, concerned and checked him if he got hurt or not. "Don't run away again. What would I do if something bad happened to you?" Rose added anxiously and hugged Alec again, placing tender kisses on his cheeks and hair.

I smiled affectionately while watching them. Rose was really a good and loving mother.

After giving Alec one more hug, she sighed and straightened.

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