Chapter 43 - The stalker

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Troy's POV

I was tapping my fingers on my lap nervously while waiting for my mother to end her conversation on the phone.

I wanted to talk to my father and ask him if he told my mother something about Rose and me, but I couldn't reach him; his phone was turned off, and his secretary informed me that he was in a meeting outside of the company. However, I decided not to wait to talk to him; I wanted to talk to my mother as soon as possible and tell her the truth.

"So what happened? What do you want to talk about?" My mother asked, giving me a curious look as soon as she hung up her phone.

"Umm... I want to talk about Rose...and Alec." I replied and rubbed the back of my neck nervously. She raised her eyebrow, giving me an intrigued look. "I met Rose a few years ago. About five years." I confessed.

"Why didn't you tell us? What is the reason?" She asked in a calm tone, but there was something strange in her attitude.

"It is complicated." I pursed my lips together, entwining my hands.

Ugh! Why do I feel nervous? It is like I am a five years old boy who broke his mother's expensive vase and is afraid of telling her about it.

Troy, calm down and just tell her! You know your mother; she will understand you.

"Rose and I dated for a while when I was in London."

"Hmm... So the reason for your change is Rose?" She commented, giving me a piercing look.

"Somehow. There was a misunderstanding between us. She thought I was lying to her. So she left me without saying anything." I sighed sadly.

"What?" She asked, puzzled.

I breathed deeply and explained to her why Rose left me.

"I understand now." She mumbled, thinking.

"Umm... And one more thing, Alec is my son." I confessed, giving her a nervous look.

I looked at my mother attentively, waiting for her reaction, but she didn't look surprised.

I sighed, shaking my head, and commented. "Dad told you, didn't he?"

"Let's say he would not dare to keep anything a secret from me again because of his past mistakes." She replied, giving me a wicked look. "On the other hand, it is good you told me now; if you haven't told me the next few days, you would really piss me off." She stated firmly.

"I am sorry, Mom. It was so complicated between Rose and me. So I didn't know how to tell you. And all of these happened so fast." I gave her an apologetic look. "I found the woman who I had searched for years in my fiancée's house with a boy calling her mother. I was stunned. Especially Alec. It was a big shock for me." I sighed, ruffling my hair.

My mother stood up and approached me. She leaned against the desk beside me, resting her hand on my shoulder, and gave me a sympathetic smile, squeezing my shoulder slightly.

"Actually, I had suspicions about it long before your father confirmed it." My mother said softly. I looked at her, confused. "I told you before too when I saw Alec for the first time; he really looks like you so much. Then, when Rose came to the mansion, I caught your furtive glances at each other. Moreover, you acted different like in old times when she was around." She smiled warmly and stroked my cheek gently.

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