Chapter 32 - Tabloids

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Troy's POV

I was working in my office when my phone rang. I grabbed it and picked up the call, smiling; it was Rose.

"Good morning." I greeted her happily as I leaned against my seat.

"Morning. Did you see the news?" She asked nervously.

"Oh.... Yes, I saw them." I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

There were my photos with Alec and Rose while we were going to the park in my car in every gossip magazine. They mentioned that I spent my time with my sister-in-law and her son while my fiancée was away.

"Why are you so calm about it? What will happen if the paparazzi don't leave us alone? If they get suspicious?!" She asked angrily while I noticed worry in her voice too.

"Because they didn't write anything to make anyone suspicious. We were just in the car while I was driving." I replied confidently.

She breathed deeply and mumbled. "I hope so."

"Don't worry, Rose. On the other hand, we have to tell our families eventually. They should know that Alec is my son." I stated firmly. "And I don't want to keep my son a secret like I am ashamed of him. Because it is otherwise; I am so happy he is my son. I don't plan to hide my paternity. However, it will be better if our parents find out about it from us. But firstly, I should talk to Kate." I informed honestly.

"Fine. But I don't want to involve my son in this drama. Especially, I don't want him to get the attention of the paparazzi." She said and sighed, depressed.

"Just trust me. I will do everything to protect you and our son. I will handle everything." I assured her.

"Fine." She mumbled and sighed. "I have to hang up; my assistant is calling me." She added as I heard some noises in the background.

"Fine. Take care. And don't worry about anything." I said softly.

"Good bye, Troy."


Once I finished my meeting with Steven, he invited me to his mansion for dinner. As much as I refused, telling him Kate and I had plans, he insisted without giving me any choice. Now I had to postpone my conversation with her. At least, I would see my son and Rose today.

As we were about to walk into the mansion, his phone rang. He picked up the phone and gestured to me to go inside without waiting for him.

I nodded and walked in while he was talking on the phone. I used the opportunity and went to see Alec; the maid informed me that he was in his room while Rose was still in the fashion house.

I stopped as I heard Alec and Kate's shouts coming from Alec's room; the door was ajar.

"Don't disturb Troy so much. He is a busy person. He isn't your playmate. Because of you, I can't see him properly. He can spend time with his fiancée instead of taking his fiancée's nephew to the park. Stay away from him!" Kate snapped while grabbing Alec's arm.

"No! I will not!" Alec exclaimed, determined and shook his head as he gave her an angry look while trying to pull his arm away.

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