Chapter 46 - The truth

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Troy's POV

"You will regret it. You will come and beg for forgiveness." She stated fumingly and stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

I exhaled loudly, closing my eyes while resting my hands on my hips. I shook my head and went to my son's bedroom, hoping he didn't hear all the things Kate had told.

As soon as Rose came back, I left the penthouse to attend the board meeting in the company; I was getting late; so I couldn't tell her about Kate. However, I guessed Alec would tell her about his aunt's visit. I planned to talk to Rose about it this evening after coming back from the company.

Once the meeting ended, my father and I went to my office to discuss the details of our new partnership.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Steven walked in, slamming the door behind him. He looked furious.

"Sir..." I stood up reflectively and looked at my father. He gave me a reassuring look and stood up.


Without waiting for a second, Steven rushed towards me and punched me.

"Steven! Calm down!" My father demanded as he grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

When I touched my lips, the blood blushed on my fingers. I sighed, wiping the blood with the back of my hand.

"I trusted you and saw you like my own son. How dare you!" He shouted, trying to push my father away, but my father didn't move an inch, standing between Steven and me, shielding me with his body.

"Sir, let me explain. Rose and I didn't do anything wrong."

"Don't take me for a fool, boy!" He snapped, giving me a death glare. "I thought you were different. I accepted you into my family. But you betrayed our family. I could wait for it from Rosalie; she was always reckless, and she disappointed me again and again. I thought her bastard was the last scandal she could involve our family in. But you!" He added furiously and waved his hand in the air angrily.

I clenched my fist as he called my son a bastard. I was consumed with rage. How could he talk about an innocent child like this or his own daughter?! I was boiling with anger.

"Sir, I will not let you call Alec bastard." I warned him angrily.

"Troy, calm down." My father said as he looked at me while still resting his hand on Steven's chest, keeping him away from me.

"Why not? He is a bastard."

"Sir! He isn't. You can't disrespect him. He is your own grandson." I stated firmly, clenching my fist in frustration.

"It was her mother's decision. She should think about him before giving birth to that bastard. Probably, she doesn't even know his father. A bastard from an unknown man!" He commented in disgust. "I feel ashamed of a daughter like her. A slut who is ready to spread her legs for every man she sees! She will dump you too!" He commented bitterly.

I gritted my teeth in frustration, giving Steven a death glare as I tried to approach him, but my father stopped me, placing his hand on my chest, and shook his head, giving me a warning look. I cursed under my breath, running my hand through my hair, and breathed deeply, trying to calm down.

"Steven, please be respectful to Rose and Alec." My father demanded, looking at Steven.

"Alec's father isn't unknown. He is my son. So next time, be careful how you call my son and woman in front of me." I warned Steven firmly, giving him a death glare.

"What?" Steven mumbled in shock.

"Alec is my son, and I will not let anyone disrespect my son nor the woman who I love!" I said confidently.

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