Chapter 39 - Trouble

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Rose's POV

"Matilda!" My mother called the maid while holding my father.

As soon as the maid came, my mother ordered her to take Alec to his room.

"No, Mommy! I won't go anywhere without you." Alec refused, sobbing.

"Don't worry, honey. Just wait for me in your bedroom. I will come soon. I promise." I assured him, stroking his hair gently.

After Alec had left with the maid, I breathed deeply and looked at my father in disappointment. We didn't get along well, but I would never think that he could hurt an innocent child, especially his own grandson.

"What is going on between you and Troy? Do you sleep with him? Because of it, he called off the engagement?" My father snapped in frustration.

"I never thought you could be this cruel. How could you try to seduce my fiance? You are my sister. Now everyone is making fun of me." Kate said, crying.

"I didn't do anything!" I exclaimed, exasperated. "There is nothing between Troy and me." Kate gave me an unconvinced look. "Kate, really Troy didn't break up with me because of...."

"Cut the crap! Don't lie to us! Then what the fuck you were doing with him in Rome, taking your bastard with you too?" My father intervened, giving me a death glare.

I gritted my teeth in frustration as he called my son a bastard again.

"Dad! I will not repeat it again! Respect my son! He is your grandson." I warned him, clenching my fist.

"He isn't my grandson. He is nothing to me. Your son is just proof of your shamelessness." My father snapped, waving his hand in the air. "The bastard who you want to foist off on Troy. Poor guy! He doesn't know how manipulative you are!"

I looked at him, stunned, my mouth agape. I couldn't believe my ears that my father really thought about me like this. I felt so disappointed and sad.

I breathed deeply and said dryly. "We didn't go on a vacation. I went to discuss my new collection with my boss." I breathed deeply, ruffling my hair. "Troy had a meeting there. So he suggested taking his jet. That is all." I lied.

"It doesn't matter if he suggested or not; you had to refuse if what you were saying was true. Troy is a kind guy. So he asked you out of politeness." My father stated coldly. "I don't want to see such kind of news again. Even if he and Kate aren't together now, they will get married soon. Stay away from him. And keep your son away from him as well." My father demanded and stormed out.

My mother sighed, shaking her head, and placed her hand on my arm. "Are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

"It will be better if Alec and I stay at the hotel. Don't insist, please." She sighed and nodded. Then I went upstairs.

After packing my suitcases, I left my bedroom to go to Alec's bedroom. As I was about to open the door, my sister called me. I sighed and turned around, facing her.


"I want to talk to you about Troy." She informed dryly, folding her arms over her chest.

I exhaled, annoyed and reminded. "I explained everything. There is nothing more to talk about."

"I don't like how much time Troy spends with your son." She stated firmly.

I closed my eyes, breathing deeply. "Then talk to Troy. I don't force anyone to spend time with Alec. Troy likes him and wants to spend time with him. That's all." I explained.

"Don't get me wrong, Rose. Your son probably tries to replace his father's absence with Troy, but he isn't his father. It will hurt Alec's feelings when Troy and I have our own children." She faked a smile and placed her hand on my arm. "It will be better if you go where you came. Look, Dad isn't happy either. There hasn't been a day without a fight since you came. We have had a calm life before your return. However, since your arrival, everything has changed." She  patted on my arm and left without letting me say anything. I watched her leave in shock.

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