Chapter 31 - The scent of rose

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Rose's POV

"You will have a new one with my sister. Don't worry." I said nonchalantly, trying to control my voice, hiding the sadness I felt.

"What?! Are you out of your mind?! Do you hear what the hell you are talking?! I will not let you separate me from my son again!" He shouted, frustrated.

"Again? I didn't separate you from him." I declared angrily. "I tried to find you, but as you can guess I didn't find you."

He heaved a deep breath, closing his eyes, and stated, determined. "Rose, I don't want to fight with you. I will not give up on my son... nor you." Then he stormed out without letting me say anything.

I sighed, closing my eyes, and leaned against the desk. Everything was a mess, and I didn't know how I would handle this.

However, no matter what happens, I will protect my son at all costs.

I would not let anyone hurt him. I hoped Troy would keep my son out of the drama. I was sure my father would be furious when he found out about it. On the other hand, my sister... I sighed, ruffling my hair, depressed.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door and opened it; my assistant walked in hurriedly, holding the newspaper in her hand.

"Ms. Allen, you have to see it." She extended the newspaper towards me.

I grabbed it, giving her a questioning look and looked at the newspaper. "Fuck!"

There was my photo with Alec while playing at the park.

The Hidden Son

The daughter of the well-known attorney, Steven Allen, Rosalie Allen has a four years old son. The famous designer has managed to keep her son a secret till now. But who is the baby daddy?

Troy's POV

I threw the newspaper onto the passenger seat, cursing under my breath. I ruffled my hair, leaning against the headrest. I had to talk to Alec before he found out about it from someone else.

I heaved a sign and started the car after sending a message to Rose informing her that I was coming to the mansion.

I looked at the rear view mirror, ignoring Rose's call as I noticed someone was following me.

As much as I tried to find out who the driver was, I couldn't see him properly because of his large black sunglasses and cap. I accelerated while keeping an eye on the black car which was following me. At first opportunity, I turned the right and increased the speed again.

As I finally understood that no one was following me anymore, I drove to Rose's mansion.

Today Steven called me to talk about the contract we asked of him and mentioned that he was attending an event this evening. So it was a good opportunity to talk to Alec without being disturbed.

I parked my car in front of the mansion and got out of it, grabbing my phone.

The maid greeted me and informed me that Rose and Alec were in their room.

After offering me something to drink, she went to Rose's room to call her.

I was pacing back and forth in the living room nervously, my hand in my pockets. My heart was pounding. I had never been anxious this much. I hoped Alec would not hate me after he found out the truth.

When I lifted my head, I noticed Alec staring at me.

"Hey." I gave him a bright smile. He stared at me without saying anything. I looked at him in confusion and approached him. "Are you okay, buddy?" I asked, worried, looking into his blue eyes as I bent down in front of him.

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