Chapter 42 - You and me against the World

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Roses POV

I rubbed my eyes, yawning, and slowly opened my eyes. I looked at the other side of the bed while tangled in the cover; it was empty.

I smiled as I remembered last night; it was so passionate and magical. It felt like Troy transported us to the past, our beautiful days in London.

After what happened between Kate and me, I made a decision; I wouldn't run away from Troy anymore. I was going to give a chance to us, our love. I still loved him so much. I wouldn't sacrifice my and Alec's happiness because of anyone else anymore. Now I wanted to focus on our happiness and had a happy life with my two men: my son and Troy. My two princes.

I wrapped the cover around my body and got up. I noticed my suitcase near the bed.

Troy... So thoughtful as always.

I smiled and went to take a shower.

After putting on my clothes, I left the room to check Alec, but I stopped when I heard Alec and Troy's voices coming from the kitchen.

I leaned against the door frame, smiling, and started watching my boys who were making breakfast. Or more correctly, trying to make.

"Oh, shit!" Troy exclaimed, pulling his hand away quickly as he burned his finger.

When he lifted his head up, he saw me and instantly hid his hand behind his back reflexively, giving me a nervous grin.

"Good morning." I greeted them as I straightened and approached them.

"Mommy! Good morning." Alec exclaimed happily and ran towards me, putting a bottle of chocolate syrup on the counter.

I bent down, beaming, and hugged my son, placing a soft kiss on his hair.

"We are making waffles." He informed, excited.

"Oh, really? I am starving." I said, giving him a warm smile, and ruffled his hair.

Then I approached Troy who was roaming my body from head to toe. I pursed my lips together, trying to hold my smile; I liked my effect on him.

"Morning." He said huskily and placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

I gave him a bright smile and grabbed his hand. I checked my son, making sure that he wasn't looking at us; he was eating the waffle without giving any attention to us. Then I turned my gaze from him to Troy and placed a soft kiss on his finger which he burned a few minutes ago.

"Is it better?" I asked in a provocative tone and bit my lower lip seductively, looking into his eyes.

"A little. Maybe you should kiss it again." He replied huskily as he closed the distance between us and wrapped his arm around my waist, leaning towards my ear. "But I have a better idea." He whispered in my ear and placed a chaste kiss on my lips, catching me off guard.

"Troy!" I exclaimed in a low tone and checked Alec; fortunately, his back was towards us. He gave me a boyish grin and mouthed 'I love you'. I beamed at him and took one of the waffles.

"Mmm... delicious." I commented as I took a piece of it and ran my tongue over my lower lip seductively without taking my eyes off Troy.

He gulped, looking at my lips, his gaze intense.

"Don't tempt me, baby." He whispered in my ear and pulled my earlobe between his teeth. I pursed my lips together, trying not to moan.

Troy pulled back, grabbing my wrist, and pulled it towards his mouth. He bit my waffle which I was still holding in my hand and winked at me. I gave him a dirty look, trying to hold my smile. He chuckled and walked towards Alec.

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