Chapter 50 - The promise

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Rose's POV

I was waiting in the hall in front of the emergency room with Alec after the doctors had checked up Alec and me. As soon as we arrived, they took Troy to the emergency room. I refused to go with a nurse, telling them I wanted to stay with Troy, and I was fine, but they didn't let me, saying I was in a bad state.

I lifted my head up as I heard my name. Troy's parents, his siblings and Romeo rushed towards me.

"Where is Troy?" Serena asked in panic while crying.

"In the emergency room..." I mumbled without managing to stand up.

"I will talk to the director of the hospital. He would help us to get information about Troy's condition and tell us if we need to find another doctor to help or if the doctor who takes care of Troy is the best or not." Aspen stated firmly while worry and fear were seen in his eyes.

"I am coming with you." Liam said, and they left together.

"Are you okay?" Sienna asked me in worry as she approached me while Serena stood beside me.

"I...don't know." I muttered as I wiped the tears off my cheeks and stroked my son's hair gently while he was hugging me tightly, leaning against me.

"Alec, do you want something to eat? Maybe something sweet? Chocolate? Auntie will buy you what you want. Let's go to the cafeteria." Sienna asked softly and stroked Alec's cheek.

He shook his head, tightening his grip around my waist, and refused. "No, I will stay with Mommy."

"Fine, dear." Sienna nodded and kissed his cheek tenderly. I gave her a grateful look as I understood she wanted Alec didn't see us in this state.

I didn't know how long it passed, but it looked like eternity. We were still waiting for the doctors to walk out and inform us about Troy's state.

Aspen and Romeo were pacing back and forth while Liam and Sienna were sitting on the seats opposite of us. Serena was sitting beside me, lost in her thoughts while tears were running down her cheeks. Troy's friend, Nathan and Charlotte were here too; they arrived a few minutes ago.

"Mommy!" Alec pulled my dress, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes, my boy?" I looked at him, worried. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, but... will Daddy die?" He asked sadly as tears shimmered in his eyes.

"No, honey. Don't think about it." Serena intervened as I looked at my son without managing to say anything, and she gave him a tender smile, stroking his hair affectionately. "Your daddy is so strong. He will be fine. We just need to pray for him that he gets well soon." Serena added softly. Alec nodded and leaned his head against me. I stroked his back gently and held his little hand.

A few minutes later, the door opened, and the doctor walked out.

"How is my son?" Aspen asked, worried as we approached the doctor.

"We managed to remove a bullet from his body. His condition is stable now." He gave us a warm smile.

I cried in happiness and hugged Serena who was crying in relief. After pulling back, I took my son in my arms and hugged him tightly, reassuring him that his father was fine. Meanwhile, others were hugging each other happily.

A few weeks later

Today, Troy finally left the hospital. His health was better now. I felt so relieved. I was so scared of losing him.

We were in his penthouse. Serena suggested we stay in the mansion for a while till Troy got back to his normal life, but Troy refused, saying he felt better and wanted to go to his penthouse.

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