Chapter 48 - Blessed

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Troy's POV

"Thank you so much." I stroked her cheek affectionately as happiness filled my heart. "It means a lot to me. A gift designed by you. It is so special for me." I admitted and planted a chaste kiss on her lips. "By the way, I will never forget you; you are always in my mind, my Rose." I added, smiling happily.

She gave me a mesmerizing smile as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "I love you, birthday boy."

I chuckled as I rested my hand on her hip and leaned towards her. "I love you too, my girl." I grinned and brushed my lips against her soft lips.

After having our breakfast, we went hiking. Then we explored the city. In the evening, we had dinner at one of the luxurious restaurants here, celebrating my birthday.

Once we arrived in the house, Rose went to the bedroom while I carried our sleeping son to his bedroom.

I placed him on the bed carefully and took off his shoes. Once I put the blanket over his body and rested a soft kiss on his forehead as I leaned towards him. I smiled happily, watching my sleeping son, feeling blessed.

When I walked into the bedroom, Rose was taking off her earrings in front of the mirror. As she noticed me, she gave me her dazzling smile.

I approached me without taking my eyes off her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, pulling her towards my chest. I watched us in the mirror as she leaned her cheek against mine and rested her hand on top of mine on her stomach. She looked so sexy in her violet dress.

"I want my true gift." I whispered in her ear seductively and pulled her earlobe between my teeth. "Now I want to unwrap my precious gift." I added seductively as I removed the strap of her dress and planted a tender kiss on her shoulder. She giggled as she turned around and brushed her lips against mine, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I smiled happily as I opened my eyes the following morning. My Rose was sleeping in my arms peacefully. I stroked her hair gently and placed a soft kiss on her neck, breathing in her mind-blowing scent.

"Morning." She smiled without opening her eyes and stroked my cheek affectionately.

"Good morning, my love." I placed a chaste kiss on her lips and slid my hand under the cover, stroking her body.

"Troy..." She moaned, arching her back as my fingers found her core.

I hovered over her as I claimed her soft lips while teasing her between her legs.

As I heard a knock on the door, I instantly pulled back.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Alec called us behind the door.

I immediately got up and grabbed my sweatpants while Rose grabbed my shirt from the floor and put it on quickly.

"I will go to the bathroom. You open the door." She whispered nervously and rushed towards the bathroom quickly.

I ran my hand through my hair, trying to smooth it while walking towards the door. Meanwhile, Alec was still calling us, knocking on the door impatiently.

"My boy, good morning." I greeted him joyfully as I opened the door.

"Morning. Were you still sleeping?"

"Umm... Yes, buddy. What happened?" I asked as I took him in my arms and placed a tender kiss on his cheek.

"I am hungry. I want Mommy's pancakes." Alec pouted. He looked so cute. I smiled and ruffled his hair playfully.

"Mommy is taking a shower. How about me? I can make you them. My pancakes are delicious too. Of course, not as much as your Mommy's pancakes." I said softly and gave him a bright smile.

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