Chapter 52 - The granted wish

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Rose's POV

"What?" I asked, puzzled as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You also felt dizzy, and you had been getting tired easily the last few days compared to before." She commented.

"Yes, I need to rest a little, but..."

"Yes, you should take it easy. Especially in your state." She smiled mischievously.

"What? My state?" I asked, confused.

"I think I am going to be a grandma again." She replied, pointing to my belly, and smiled widely.

My eyes widened in surprise. I looked at her without managing to say anything, my mouth agape as I rested my hand on my belly reflexively.

"Believe me, dear. After three kids, you can notice a pregnant woman a mile away." She winked at me playfully.

After my conversation with Serena, I couldn't focus on my work; I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the possibility. Yes, we wanted another baby, but Troy and I postponed it because I was busy with finishing my collection and decorating our new house. So we used protection. However, nausea, dizziness, tiredness and...mood swings... Oh my goodness! My period....

I instantly checked the date; my jaw dropped as I noticed that I was late. I didn't pay attention to it because of Troy's state and the collection.

I stood up quickly as I grabbed my bag and left.

I was tapping my fingers on my thigh while waiting for the result in my bedroom. I breathed deeply as I placed the stick on the bedside counter and started pacing back and forth nervously.

After checking the time, I breathed deeply, closing my eyes, and grabbed the test. I bit my lower lip anxiously and looked at the stick. A wide smile appeared on my face as I saw two lines.

"Positive..." I mumbled emotionally as tears ran down my cheeks.

"Rose? Are you in the bedroom?" As soon as I heard Troy's voice as well as his father's voice, I hid the test in the drawer quickly. This evening, we invited his parents and Liam for dinner.

"I am coming." I shouted and checked myself in the mirror before going to the living room.

"Good evening." I greeted them while my heart was still pounding in excitement.

"Good evening, Rose. How are you?" Aspen asked, giving me a warm smile.

"Fine. Thanks. And you?" I asked politely.

"I am fine. Thanks. I will be better after seeing my grandson. I missed my little munchkin." He gave me a warm smile.

"He dragged Liam to the cafe to buy him ice cream after winning the game." Troy informed and chuckled in amusement. Aspen nodded and picked up his phone as it rang.

"Are you okay, baby? Your cheeks are red." Troy asked, concerned as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me towards him.

"Oh..." I reflexively placed my hands on my cheeks. "Yes. Yes.... Don't worry." I gave him a reassuring smile. He nodded and placed a tender kiss on my forehead.

After Serena, Liam and Alec had come, we started to have dinner.

I was trying to concentrate on what Alec was saying to his uncle to suppress my nausea. As I felt worse, I covered my mouth with my hand and rushed towards the bathroom.

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