Chapter 11 - Old wound

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Troy's POV

I put my jacket on the couch and poured whiskey into my glass. Then I placed the glass on the coffee table after taking a sip and collapsed onto the couch.

My assistant called me, informing me that she arranged the meeting with an Arabic businessman as I asked. After replying to her, I ran my hand through my hair as I placed the phone on the coffee table and sighed, closing my eyes.

I leaned my elbows on my thighs and sipped my whiskey, while staring at the yin-yang tattoo on my inner wrist. Why couldn't I forget Rose? She got under my skin, and I couldn't get rid of her. I exhaled sadly as I finished my drink and went to my bedroom.

"Rose! Rose!...No!" I screamed and woke up, drenched in sweat. I ran my hand through my hair, trying to control my breath as I sat up on the bed. My heart was still pounding.

I leaned towards the bedside table and grabbed a glass of water. I sipped it, throwing the cover away, and stood up after placing the glass on the bedside table. I approached the floor to ceiling window and looked through it, lost in my thoughts. The sun was rising slowly, lightening the darkness of the city.

I closed my eyes as I leaned my forehead against the window and whispered desperately. "Why? Why can't I forget you?"


I parked my car in front of my parent's mansion and got out of the car. I noticed Liam and Romeo's cars beside my parents' cars. Today was our traditional Sunday family dinner. All family members who were in New York this day attended this dinner. Otherwise, we had to hear a lot of lectures from my mother. Then Dad would give us another lecture about why we made our mother upset. So not attending this dinner while being in the city was out of the question. On the other hand, I liked it too. With our busy schedules, it was the best idea to see each other, keep in touch and be close with the family.

After greeting each other, we started having dinner.

"So Liam, who was that blonde girl I saw beside you this morning?" Sienna asked, giving him a mischievous grin and took a sip from her grapefruit juice.

"Probably another victim." Romeo commented and gave Liam a teasing smirk.

"Look, how he knows! Of course, experience is talking." Liam mocked, grinning devilishly.

My father, Aspen gave Romeo a dirty look, rolling his eyes. Despite the fact that Romeo and Sienna got married a few years ago, my father didn't still like him so much, telling that Sienna deserved someone better than Romeo. However, I didn't think he would think differently if my sister got married to another man, not Romeo. For him, Sienna would always be his little girl. He was so protective of Sienna. Actually, not just him, Liam and I were protective of her as well.

I sighed, smiling slightly at them, and put a piece of my fish into my mouth. Then I sipped my wine, lost in my thoughts. I still couldn't forget about that day. Could she really be Rose? This question haunted me.

"Are you okay, Troy?" My mother, Serena asked, concerned, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes, I am just tired." I replied and forced a smile.

"You work so much. You should take care of yourself." She admitted, worried.

"I am fine, Mom."

"You don't even spend a lot of time with Kate either. You should make time for her. She is going to be your wife. You should put her first, not after your job." My mother commented firmly.

"Mom, I don't. There is no problem between us. Don't worry." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Family comes first. Don't forget it." She reminded me firmly.

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