Chapter 29 - True love will never fade

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Rose's POV

"I didn't write anything like that. What was her name?" He asked as he grabbed my arms. "Let me guess it was Sienna. Am I right?" He added in a sardonic tone.

I gritted my teeth angrily and mocked, trying to hide sadness in my voice. "Now you admit."

"No, I don't admit anything because I didn't lie to you. She is my sister. You met her too. More correctly, almost met because you were busy being angry at me then. The pregnant woman beside Romeo. She is Sienna, and she is married to Romeo." He explained, looking into my eyes.

"Don't lie to me, Troy. No brother sends those kinds of messages to his sister nor calls them their Juliet." I commented, giving him a disgusting look.

"Yes, you are right, but I told you she was my sister. I didn't tell you I wrote those messages." He pleaded and breathed deeply. "It is complicated, but Romeo had to contact her using my phone because our parents didn't let them be in touch till they graduated." He paused, sighing, and explained to me what happened.

"What? I...." I mumbled, stunned. "Everything ended because of a misunderstanding?..." I added, my voice barely audible as my eyes welled up. "I lost you because of it." I muttered sadly as I couldn't hold my tears anymore.

"And I lost the love of my life and my son's four years. Your pregnancy, his first heartbeats, his birth, his first words, his first steps." He commented, full of sadness in his voice.

"Troy... I am sorry." I mumbled, crying. "If I talked to you before accusing you..." I couldn't finish my sentence and wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"Shh, calm down." Troy said softly while tears shimmered in his eyes, and pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"I destroyed everything because of a misunderstanding." I sobbed, gripping his shirt tightly.

"Yes, we lost five years, but we have a lot of years ahead of us which we will spend together, my Rose. I will not let you go again, nor let my son grow up away from me." He promised, hugging me tightly in his arms, and placed several kisses on my hair.

"Troy, you are getting married to my sister." I pulled back, wiping my tears off my cheeks. "There can't be anything between us." I added sadly while my heart broke into pieces, and I averted my gaze, wrapping my arms around myself.

"I can't marry Kate. I finally found you, and now I know you loved me." He shook his head confidently. "You didn't run because you didn't love me, and I hope you still love me. Tell me do you still love me?" He asked as he placed his finger under my chin, lifting it up, letting our eyes meet, and looked at me hopefully while waiting for my answer.

I bit my lower lip, avoiding his gaze. "Troy, please... It isn't important anymore." I mumbled, pulling my head away, trying to hold my stubborn tears.

"Please, Rose. Answer me." He pleaded while tears ran down his cheeks. "Do you love me?" He asked, cupping my cheeks, letting our eyes meet.

I nodded, crying. "Yes."

He smiled happily while tears were running down his cheeks. "I love you so much, my Rose." He placed a tender kiss on my lips and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, closing my eyes, and breathed his masculine scent.

Oh, how much I missed him.

Pull yourself together, Rose. You can't do it. You can't do it to your sister or family.

"I will not let you go anymore. I promise you, my love. We will spend the rest of our lives together." He promised while still holding me tightly in his arms.

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