11. Truth revealed

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Grabbing the piece of fabric, you changed into some clothes before running your hands through your hair. You glanced at Yoongi and saw that he was laying on the bed with his eyes shut.

“I know you’re not sleeping silly.” He continued to fake sleep, that is until you began tickling his sides with both of your hands.

“YahOkIWasNotSleeping!” Yoongi shot himself up and shook your hands off, making you laugh at him.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang followed by continuous bangs. Nervously, you exchanged looks with Yoongi before the two of you creeped downstairs to see who was at your front door. He looked through the peephole and saw that it was none other than Mrs Kang.

“Mr Min! We need to leave now!” Mrs Kang spoke rather fast with panic.

“W-What’s going on?” You hesitantly asked.

“Look, that ritual I did the other day only scared the entity off for a while. It could come back any minute now to do even worse harm than before.”

“Is this what you wanted to tell me before?” Yoongi questioned the old woman. She nodded in response as your husband let out a fearful breath.

“There is more-but we need to get out of this house quickly!”

You and Yoongi nodded before putting some shoes on to exit the house. Yoongi followed Mrs Kang out of the door with you following on behind them.

Just as you were about to step into the outside world, the front door suddenly slammed shut, leaving you trapped inside the house.

“H-hey open the door! H-help!” You rattled the door handle in an attempt to open it but failed.

Luckily Yoongi and Mrs Kang were able to pull the door open from the strong force which slammed it shut.

You fell into Yoongi's embrace as he took you away from the house and to the car. He got onto the driver's seat and Mrs Kang sat with you at the back and comforted you.

After Yoongi followed Mrs Kang's directions, the three of you arrived at her home. It resembled a cottage-ish style with flowers decorating the front yard.

You were mesmerised by the beauty of her home and the nature surrounding it, making it look like a house straight out of a princess fairytale story. Mrs Kang lightly tapped your arm, signalling you to leave the car (oop). Stepping out, you breathed in the fresh air and calmed your nerves.

Yoongi got out of the driver’s seat and shut the car door, locking the vehicle with the keys. He took your hand in his to grab your attention, making you turn your head to face him.

“Are you okay?” He muttered.

You nodded in response before following Mrs Kang into her home.

“Take a seat in the living room and make yourselves feel at home. I’ll prepare some tea.” Mrs Kang softly spoke in order to create less tension and have a more calm atmosphere.

You sunk into the sofa right beside Yoongi as you leaned your head against his left shoulder. He wrapped his arm around you and caressed your side whilst waiting for Mrs Kang to finish her tea preparation. The small gestures and actions made you feel comfortable and safe in his embrace.

After a one to two minutes, Mrs Kang walked into the living room with a small tray with three cups of tea. Gently, she placed the teacups onto the wooden coffee table with her frail and veiny hands.

“I apologise for the sudden interruption.” She said.

“It’s okay Mrs Kang, really!” You softly smiled at her.

“Call me Riyeon dear.” You nodded at her before Riyeon continued. “The truth is, I used to live in the home you’re living in now.”

Yoongi’s eyes widened at Riyeon’s confession.

“You did? Why did you not tell us before-” You cut Yoongi off by squeezing his hand and softly shaking your head, signalling him to stop and let Riyeon explain.

“I used to live with my parents and three siblings, a very happy family. One day, my mother came home from the shops and she had brought a doll from an old lady in town for my younger sister Moonbyul, who was six years old at the time. I remember holding that doll for the first time and immediately feeling a negative aura. Ever since that day, things were not the same, and definitely didn’t feel the same too.”

Riyeon took a deep breath before continuing her story.

“The first thing that happened was when the doll had moved by itself from the sofa, where Moonbyul had left it, to the floor. I had even seen what looked like a dark shadow in the living room. After that, my mother began to act as if she had seen a ghost, and I believed her since I could feel the dark presence too. She was frightened, constantly telling my father that the house was haunted, but he was a skeptic and did not think it was.”

After listening to a part of her story, you still did not understand one thing:

Where did this dark and evil presence even come from? Yes, it was from the doll, but what had actually happened for it to possess the doll and take it’s form?

None of this was told in Riyeons story...yet.

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