3. Dolly

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You nodded in response and hugged Yoongi, forgetting about the old woman's words.

You let out a yawn and stretched your arms as you lifted yourself up from the couch. I must have fallen asleep on the couch yesterday night...

Looking to your side, you learned that Yoongi wasn't there anymore. As you dragged yourself off of the couch, you saw a note which was neatly placed on the coffee table.

I am going into town to buy some groceries since we're low on them. -Yoongi

The clock struck ten, signalling you to make your way upstairs and wash up. After doing your morning routine, you noticed three boxes next to one of the doors in the upstairs hallway. Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you strode to the boxes and looked in them. You reached your hand inside and pulled out a solid object that felt like plastic and hair.

"The porcelain doll? How did this get here..." You mumbled as you rummaged through the other boxes. Everything else was just random items like small shelf decorations and books.

Shrugging it off as a misplacement, you entered the pink room and placed the doll back where it was. However, the moment you left that room, you almost tripped over something. You looked down and saw that same porcelain doll which you had just put away in the pink room.

Time Skip

After sorting out the three boxes, you decided to also head into town and meet Yoongi as the recent experience scared you to death. Since he had taken the car, you had two options. Taking the bus or walking. Of course you chose to take the bus because you weren't going to walk forty minutes to town. You made your way outside and waited at the nearest bus stop, which took around five minutes.

Finally when the bus arrived, you hopped on and sat on the window seat, looking out at the view of nature. It didn't take as long to reach town in the bus. The vehicle stopped at a red light as pedestrians crossed the road. You looked outside the window and saw an old man sitting on a bench. He looked up and had a sinister grin plastered on his face as his eyes went black, giving you chills. Fortunately, the light flashed green and the bus continued moving.

As it drove through the town, every person it passed turned and looked at you with the same sinister grin and black eyes as the old man. Luckily, the bus halted at your stop and you speed walked out of it, earning some strange glances from a few strangers. You ignored them and hurriedly walked the calm streets of the town and scanned every corner for your husband. Just as you turned onto another street, you bumped into another person.

"I'm so sorry!" You apologised.

After exchanging glances you immediately recognised the familiar face.

"T-the new house o-owner..." The old woman stuttered.

"Are you alright?" You asked her feeling perplexed as to how she had addressed you as the 'house owner'.

The old woman looked at you with her eyes widening as seconds passed by, only to realise that she was looking behind you. Your posture stiffened and you turned around to see no one. The old woman's breathing began to become more heavy before quickly running away, leaving you confused and scared. Ever since you and Yoongi had moved into the house, you had been experiencing weird things.

Just as you were lost in your scary thoughts, you saw Yoongi walking out of a store empty handed. Immediately, you ran to him, catching his attention as he turned around surprised to see you in town.

"Y/n what are you doing here?" He asked you as he opened his arms enough for you to melt into a loving hug.

Instantly, you wrapped your arms around him and broke down into tears.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked and looked into your tear filled eyes.

"Y-yoongs I'm s-scared.." You sobbed.

"What is scaring you honey?"

"I-I think the o-old woman is r-right..."

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