2. Strange words

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The next morning

You picked up some small photo frames and placed them on a shelf in the living room, brushing some dust off of the side with your hand. Stopping for a second to take a second look at the shelf, you stared at the pictures as the memories replayed in your mind. Just as you were admiring the photos, your eyes laid on a dark shadow or a dark figure that could be slightly seen in the reflection, right behind you.

Your eyes widened in fear and you let out a gasp as you turned around, only to be met with nothing. Placing your hand on your heart, you sighed in relief. The sound of the floor creaking caught your attention as you saw Yoongi. You were still in your scared and shocked stance, making Yoongi feel concerned. He came to you and placed his hands on your shoulders.

"Y/nie are you alright? You look as if you just saw a ghost." He stared into your eyes with worry. You tried to speak but the words couldn't come out of your mouth. Suddenly, Yoongi's face began to become distorted, dark and demonic in your eyes. You began to tremble at the sight in front of you-

"Hey! Sweetheart are you listening?" The male waved his hand in front of your face. You flinched and blinked as you looked at Yoongi. Everything was normal and there was no sign of anything dark or scary.

"Are you okay? You started trembling all of a sudden."

How were you supposed to answer him? Tell him that his face became distorted and it looked as if a sinister entity was standing in front of you instead of your husband? If a stranger heard you say that, they'd probably have thought you were crazy.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. I just felt a little lightheaded all of sudden..." You smiled and took a small step back.

Yoongi sighed and took your hand in his. "Maybe it's because of the work. How about I continue and you rest for a while hm?" To be honest, you would have loved to take some rest but you weren't feeling lightheaded in the first place, so you refused his kind offer.

Yoongi POV

Y/n suddenly started trembling in front of me when I asked if she was okay. However, she did wake up early in the morning to sort some stuff out so I assumed it was because of that.

I went to the kitchen and started sorting the plates and cups. I noticed that my favourite mug didn't come out of the box, maybe we forgot to pack it. Since it was just the two of us, there wasn't much cutlery to put away, except for the extras for when family and friends visit. As I was almost finishing the kitchen, I heard a shout coming from y/n.

"Yoongs we're missing some stuff for the kitchen so I'm going out to get them!"

"Okay, be safe!" I replied.

Y/n left the house and I continued to unbox other items. Just as I was fixing some items for the living room, I heard something crash to the wooden floor. I looked to my side at the brown wooden shelf and saw that one of the photo frames was on the floor.

"Just moved in and something is already broken..." I chuckled and crouched down to pick up the frame. Turning it over to see the picture, I felt saddened as it was one of my favourites. The frame showed me and y/n, but the impact of the fall had formed a massive crack on it. I wasn't as worried though since there was another spare frame in one of the boxes.

End of POV

You walked around the calm streets of the small town until you came by a China shop for teacups. Glancing at the sign, it read 'OPEN' and so you made your way inside. The interior was very beautiful and antique. You were interrupted by an old woman who stood behind the counter.

"Hello dear! Would you like anything?" She smiled. You greeted her and bowed.

"Your shop caught my eye, it's lovely!"

"Thank you dear! May I say, I haven't seen you around here. Are you new to this town?" She asked as she sat down on a high chair behind the counter.

"Yes I am! My husband and I moved into a house yesterday." You replied. The old woman's face went slightly pale as you mentioned moving into the new house.

"Do you mean the old farmhouse on the outskirts?" She asked hesitantly. You nodded in response and became confused as the old woman got out of her chair and stood in front of you whilst shaking her head.

"Something lurks in that house...something evil." The old woman looked at you with a scared expression. "G-get out of that house! I-it's better if you don't come near me! S-stay a-away!"

Her voice faded away as left the store and went back into your car.

What on earth was she talking about? Something evil in the house? Was the old woman okay? She isn't crazy is she?

So many thoughts were flooding your mind until your phone screen lit up and began to ring. You reached over the seat and took hold of the metal device, sliding your finger over the green icon.

"Hey yoongs-"

"Baby where are you? It's almost 7PM, are you okay?"

"Yes I'm okay! You worry about me too much yoongs." You chuckled over the phone. "Oh right, I'm coming back home right now, see ya!" You hung up the call and began driving back to the house.

For the whole journey, you couldn't help but keep thinking about what the old woman was saying back in the store. What did she mean by something lurking in the house?

Finally, you arrived back to the house and walked through the front door. For some reason, you felt the urge to just hug Yoongi since so much was going on in your mind. Your eyes searched for him after locking the front door, immediately running to him and engulfing him in a hug. Yoongi chuckled and wrapped his arms around you.

"What's wrong honey?"

"I just...missed you." You mumbled in his chest.

"You miss me tOo MuCh y/nie!" He imitated you on the phone call. You broke the hug and playfully hit his chest.


"I'm only kidding! You know I love you~" He whispered in your ear.

"I know!" You giggled at your husband's behaviour. All at once, you remembered the words of the old woman and wondered if you should tell Yoongi.

"Baby can I tell you something?" You looked up at him and tugged on the end of his shirt.

"Of course, you can tell me anything." He voiced before dragging you to the couch in the living room. The old-fashioned fireplace illuminated the room, giving off a cosy feeling. You leaned your head on his shoulder as his hand caressed your side.

"I met this old woman today. She owns a store and she is a lovely person but..." You paused for a moment.

"But what?" The brown haired boy asked.

"She told me that something lurks in this house a-and that I should stay away from her..." You looked at Yoongi with a pout forming on your face. "I-I'm not giving off an unfriendly vibe am I-I?"

Immediately, Yoongi cupped your face with his big hands. "Noo honey don't think like that! You're an amazing person. Maybe the old woman has mistaken you for someone."

You nodded in response and hugged Yoongi, forgetting about the old woman's words.

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