15. She's gone crazy

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Upon entering your home, you went straight into your bedroom and sunk into the bed as you shut your eyes in relaxation after a long day. As you were lying down, you suddenly felt someone breathing against your ear. You opened your eyes and saw Yoongi hovering over you, right in front of your face.


"Remember what you said back at your parents house?" You nodded. "No one can hear us here." The corner of lip curved upwards into a cheeky smirk.

"Yeah right." You placed your hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer before connecting your soft lips with his. 

Two days later

The wet wipe glided across the kitchen counter, guided by your hand leaving the counter top squeaky clean. You discarded the wipe after making sure the kitchen was gleaming. Ever since the visit to your parents house, you had been feeling quite unsettled after finding out the truth about Mrs Kang

Other than feeling unsettled, you also felt angry at how this was supposed to be a new and happy beginning for you and your husband, but ended up going downhill.

However, during the past few days, you hadn't felt any weird vibes or feelings as if a bad energy was present. Could it have been that the invisible presence had finally been rid from the world? Just after the small meeting with your conscience, you heard someone knocking on the front door. 

"Hello-" You froze as you were met with the one and only, Mrs Kang.

"Y/n dear! I just came to apologise for any worries I had caused." The elderly woman spoke apologetically.

Something which you noticed was the way Riyeon had phrased her sentence. It was spoken as if she knew how worried and confused you were. Instead of 'any worries I may have caused,' she said the opposite. 

"Oh aha it's fine Mrs Kang..." You wanted to shut the door so badly but it would have been rude of you to do so.

Unfortunately, Yoongi was not home since he was at his new job which he had applied for a while ago.

"Is there anything you need?"

"Ah well about that. Other than my China shop, I also have a side job as a paranormal investigator. Since I helped get rid of the evil, my job requires payment." Riyeon explained.

It was exactly how your parents explained. After the whole ghost and doll drama, she asked for money in return of her 'paranormal investigator job'.

"P-Payment? You never told us about this job in the first place." You took note of her darkened eyes, glaring at you. "Mrs K-Kang?..."

Suddenly, she let out an inhuman shriek and pounced at you, only to be blocked by your quick reflexes shutting the door. With slight trembling hands, you managed to lock the door and step backwards away from it, rushing to your mobile phone. You quickly picked up the metal device and pressed onto Yoongi's contact number.

"Hey sweetheart, what's up-"

"Y-Yoongs, it's Mrs Kang! She's gone c-crazy and trying to break in-" You were cut off by the sound of the front door slamming open, creating a huge bang sound.

"Holy sh*t she just broke the f-front door open!" You turned around and saw the elderly woman charging towards you.

You gasped and within a split second, she pounced on you and opened the door which was right next to you that led down to the basement, making you tumble and fall down the old wooden steps.

"Y/N! Are you still there? Baby I'm on my way home!" You could sense through his voice. 

After landing onto the cement ground, you groaned in pain and weakly reached your hand out for your phone which had fallen a few cm away from you. Suddenly, Mrs Kang placed her foot onto your hand and pressed down, making you cry in pain.

"YAH DON'T HURT HER!" Yoongi yelled over the phone.

She slowly lifted her foot away and reached towards your phone. Taking this chance, you weakly sat up and tried standing, only to be grabbed by Riyeon and thrown against an old shelf which stood against the wall. You shrieked from the sharp pain your back received as you shielded your head with your arms from the random objects that fell from the shelf.

You felt a little dizzy along with the feeling of something dripping down your face. Other than the salty drops which were rolling down your cheeks, you brushed your fingertips over your face and saw the crimson red substance.

Mrs Kang left the phone and grabbed a piece of old rope which looked untouched for years. She unravelled it and tied your wrists together behind your back.

Unfortunately, you were too weak and dizzy to fight back. After that, she grabbed a random roll of duct tape and ripped a piece off, sticking it onto your mouth.

You whimpered in fear at the sudden change from nice old lady to crazy demonic Mrs Kang. Watching as she walked back and forth, you just hoped that Yoongi would arrive any second. By good luck, the universe was on your side today as you heard him shouting your name.

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