13. Visiting home

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"You're my g-grandmother?" You mumbled in shock, not knowing what else to say.

You glanced at Yoongi who also had a surprised facial expression.

"But..how? N-no...you can't be serious..." You stood up from the sofa and ran out of the house with Yoongi chasing after you.

"Honey wait!" He caught you outside and grabbed your hand, stopping you from going too far. "Please try and stay calm..." He cupped your face which seemed quite pale.

"C-can we go from here?" Your voice slightly cracked. "...Please?"

Yoongi looked into your glossy eyes and sighed. "Alright, I'll go tell Riyeon that we're going to leave."

He walked back into the home and informed Mrs Kang that the two of you were leaving. The old woman kindly understood and waved goodbye. Yoongi came back outside and unlocked the car as the pair of you sat inside.

You brushed your hand through your hair out of stress and took a deep breath causing your husband to glance at you with concern. Gesturing him that you were fine, he started the car and began the drive home.

At the moment, you weren't even feeling fearful or scared of the house or the tormenting ghost.

All you could think about was the one sentence spoken by Riyeon herself.

I'm your grandmother.

But how could you know if she was telling the truth? But then again, she did have a photo of your mother. However, you had never seen this photo when you lived with your parents.

You couldn't help but wonder, what if the photo was never supposed to be seen by you? Is that why your parents never showed you this photo-

"Helloooo we're home!" Yoongi stood outside the car holding the door open from your side with his hand out.

As you were so deep in thought and theories, you hadn't even realised that you had arrived home. After taking off the seat belt, you took hold of his hand and stepped out of the car. The pair of you entered the home and it felt normal.

It didn't feel like there was something there. Maybe the ghost had gone on vacation for a while.

"What the heck is going onnn?" You whined and looked at Yoongi. "L-Like what just happened? First the stupid doll then the stupid ghost then Riyeon coming to help out of nowhere now this! What more is there to come?"

"Calm down sweetheart, let's talk about this yeah?" He cupped your face with his larger hands.

Since the pair of you had been together for many years, he could feel that you were stressed out and upset. The look in his eyes was enough to direct you into an oasis of serenity. You sighed and nodded in response after glancing at the wall clock which read 3:30 pm, meaning that you had plenty of time to talk and think things through.

"You know what my mom used to tell me when I was younger?" You voiced as you were sitting comfortably on his laps.

"Whenever I would ask her about where my grandma is, she said that she was gone."

"Gone as in...passed away?" Yoongi questioned.

"Yes. But why would my mom say that if she has been alive the entire time? Do you think I should...ask her about it?"

"Well, if she kept your grandma out of the story, there must have been a reason. How about we visit your parents tomorrow? We haven't seen them since the wedding." Your eyes lit up at his suggestion.

"You know what?" He looked at you in amusement. "You're mind, it amazes me."

"I just suggested that we meet your parents." He chuckled as his cheeks slightly tinted red.

You noticed his flustered state, encouraging you to do more.

"Min Yoongi you are a genius." He scrunched his nose and hid his face with his hands. "Nooo don't hide your face! You're a cute genius."

"Yeah I'm a genius. Maybe my IQ is higher than Namjoon hyung." He laughed.

The next day

You and your husband were standing before the door of your parents house. After inhaling a breath of fresh air, you pushed your finger against the doorbell. The sound of footsteps were heard and the door swung open.


"My dear!" Your mother pulled you into a hug and you hugged her back.

"Yoongi my son!" She smiled at Yoongi who bowed before hugging your mom. "Wow you are even more handsome now. I see y/n has been taking good care of you."

"Eooomma!" Your mother let you into the house after you playfully whined. (I- ??nsjsjk)

"Where's appa?" You asked after noticing that your father hadn't greeted you.

"He's working today." Your mother replied. "How long are you staying y/n?" She questioned as she bought some snacks and tea, placing it onto the coffee table.

"Just today..." You glanced at Yoongi and he nodded. "We gotta get back home soon."

"It's alright I know. You're newlyweds of course you need time alone.."

Your mother chuckled as Yoongi looked confused as to what she meant. However, you on the other hand was staring at your mom with the 'stop embarrassing me' look. Yoongi tapped your arm, gesturing to you to tell him what your mom was talking about. In general, your husband had a calm and quiet nature which your parents knew of course, so they understood that Yoongi wasn't a 'cold' person.

"Time alone for what?" Yoongi looked at you with doe eyes, making him seem like an innocent baby, which he wasn't the other day... ;)


"Didn't we do that the other day-" You quickly cut him off by pressing your hand against his lips.

He got the idea and sneaked a smirk at you after he took your hand away from his mouth. You looked at him with pleading eyes, wanting him to not say any more. In return, Yoongi just laughed it off and nodded.

For the rest of time, you chatted with your mother and caught up on life as she was asking many questions about how your married life was, jobs, the new house etc. Your father had arrived home from his work shift and he immediately met you and Yoongi with a big hug.

Around two hours had passed and you had not forgotten about the topic of Riyeon. The atmosphere in the home was so friendly and calm that you didn't want to break it and ruin the mood, but if Mrs Kang was in fact your grandma, why did your mom hide it? You decided that you needed answers now and did not want to waste any more time.

"Eomma can I ask you something?"

"What is it dear?"

"Is Kang Riyeon my grandma?"

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