7. Ritual

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Hesitantly you nodded, squeezing onto Yoongi’s hand out of instinct. He slightly flinched and glanced at you, noticing your feared posture and caressing your hand with his thumb, calming you down. Mrs Kang looked at you with horror plastered all over her face.

“W-what about the doll?” You asked her, scooting a little closer to Yoongi. He let you fiddle with his left hand since he could sense how tense you were.

“By touching that doll, you’ve opened a gate for this spirit to come into your life. And now, it’s attached to you...”

“How do we get rid of it?” Yoongi asked Mrs Kang.

“Show me this doll.”

🏡Your house

You and Yoongi strolled into your home with Mrs Kang following on behind you. The frail, old lady briefly scanned the house with her eyes before entering the place. Instantly, she could sense that there was an unsettling aura which the house was giving off.

“It’s over here...” You pointed, showing Mrs Kang the old pink room that contained all the little dolls, and the big and infamous porcelain doll.

She entered the room and lay her honey orbs on the wicked doll, grasping it with her veiny hands. Taking the doll, she placed it on the floor and pulled something out of her pocket which looked like a small bottle.

She poured some water, which was most likely holy water of some sort, onto her hand and flicked it onto the doll while chanting something. The water droplets which landed on the dolls arms began to release smoke into the air.

Your eyes widened as you felt a hot burning sensation on your arms too, immediately wincing in pain. The more Mrs Kang sprinkled the water onto the doll, the more pain you could feel. You kneeled to the ground holding onto your arms, crying in pain.

“It..h-hurts!” You cried, catching the attention of Yoongi who instantly crouched down to you and held you in his arms.

“Baby are you alright? Mrs kang!!” He raised his voice, only for Mrs Kang to continue the chants.

You clutched onto Yoongi’s hands, squeezing them tightly as you felt more of the burning sensation as every second went by.

“Y-Yoongs I can’t...” Everyone began to fade into darkness as you felt your eyes shut and your body shut down due to the immense amount of pain.

After around two minutes, Mrs Kang ended her ritual and kneeled down next to Yoongi who was currently holding your unconscious body in his embrace.

“I have managed to detach the spirit from the doll and your wife since it had latched onto her. That’s why she could feel the pain.”

“Will she be okay? She passed out!” Yoongi asked with a worried tone in his voice.

“Yes, she will. All she needs now is some rest and great care. I know that you will take great care of your wife, dear.” Mrs Kang patted the male on the back as a way of comfort.

Yoongi replied with a smile before looking back at your face. He stood and picked you up, carrying you into your shared bedroom. Gently, he lay you onto the soft mattress and tucked a few hairs behind your ear. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, he held your hand in his as the other soothingly stroked your hair.

“I’m sorry you had to go through this y/n...I hate seeing you in so much pain, it hurts. I’d wish it was me so you wouldn’t have to go through it, but hopefully it’s all over now.” Yoongi communicated to you, hoping that you would wake up any moment now.

Ten minutes had now gone by and Yoongi hadn’t left your side once. He was caressing your hand with his thumb when he felt your fingers move. In a flash, he lifted his head from your lap and looked at your face to see you eyes twitching a little.

"Y/nie..!?" Yoongi whisper shouted as he placed his hand on your cheek.

Slowly, your eyes fluttered open and you squinted them, adjusting to the light. "Y-Yoongs.." Your voice came out as a whisper. Your head was pounding, making you let out a groan.

"You're okay now!" He smiled and hugged you.

You look around at your surroundings, learning that you were in the bedroom and Mrs Kang was nowhere to be seen. Yoongi stared at you and noticed your behaviour.

"Mrs Kang went downstairs, if that's what you're wondering. I'll go tell her you're awake." You nodded at him in response. 

Meanwhile downstairs...

Mrs Kang stood in the kitchen as she stirred the beverage with a spoon in a teacup. "Good thing they don't know the real truth…" The old woman muttered to herself under her breath.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps interrupted her as she straightened her back and plastered a smile on her face. 

"Ah hello yoongi dear! I'm assuming y/n has woken?"

Yoongi nodded and glanced at the tea that Mrs Kang had been preparing. 

"I'll bring this healing tea for her, it's a lovely old Chinese remedy." Mrs Kang softy smiled. 

She picked up the teacup and placed it on a small tray. However, before she made it to the stairs, the sound of Yoongi's voice made her halt in her tracks. 

"What did you mean earlier on?"

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