8. Hospital

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Mrs Kang quickly turned around and released a nervous chuckle. “Oh! Are you talking about this?” She made a gesture towards the teacup which was clutched by her veiny hands. “It’s a healing tea for y/n!” Mrs Kang softly smiled at Yoongi.

“No not the tea...You said something before, something about the truth? What are you not telling us, Mrs Kang?” Yoongi interrogated the older lady as he slowly stepped forward, but still giving Mrs Kang personal space of course.

She let out a sigh and gently placed the teacup onto the counter.

“The truth is that-” Mrs Kang’s voice was cut off by a loud sound that came from the upper floor. The loud noise has sounded like a bang and glass shattering.

“Y/n!” Immediately, Yoongi let go of the current situation and sped up the staircase and into the bedroom, only to see you trying to keep yourself up on the floor, keeping balance with your palms pressed against the ground.

Behind you was a glass mirror which had broken into fragments and some small items which decorated the shelf were all over the floor.

Yoongi ran to you and took you into his arms, checking your body for any cuts from the sharp pointed shards. “Honey what happened!?”

Mrs Kang followed Yoongi and gasped as she saw your current state. “Oh my goodness! Did i-it do this to you?” She asked with worry plastered all over her face as she kneeled to the ground, also inspecting you.

You tiredly nodded at her, causing the old lady to clasp her hand over her mouth.

“What do you mean? The entity thing?” Mrs Kang nodded to Yoongi. “I thought you got rid of it, is that what you weren’t telling us?!” Yoongi’s voice rose a little bit.

“Y-Yoongs calm d-down...Mrs Kang...a-at least she is trying to help us..” You muttered to your angry husband.

Yoongi looked back at you as he brushed some strands of hair away from your face. “I’m sorry y/n, I just...don’t understand how this entity thing can do such a horrible thing to you.”

Mrs Kang took your hand in hers, gesturing you to make eye contact and listen to what she had to say. “What did it do you dear?”

Your breath hitched before replying, “I-I was getting up and I felt a force throw me at the mirror and I f-fell…”

“Oh you poor thing! You don’t have any glass in you right?” Mrs kang softly held your arm and began inspecting it as if she was investigating a crime scene.

The old woman gasped, laying her eyes on a medium sized shard that was pierced into your upper arm as blood was slowly seeping out. “Son, we need to get her to a hospital. She might have more glass pieces in her.”

Yoongi nodded and slid his arms under your body, lifting you up to carry you bridal style. You slightly giggled at his protective behaviour as he was carrying you to the car.

“Princess what’s so funny?”

“You’re cute when you’re worried about me..” You chuckled, making him look away as he tried to hide his rosy cheeks.

Yoongi carefully helped you into the car before Mrs Kang sat with you at the back to make sure you were okay throughout the car ride. Yoongi set the GPS to the nearest hospital and began driving.

🏡The hospital

Yoongi and Mrs Kang patiently waited outside of the hospital until one of the doctors exited the room.

“How is she?” Yoongi asked.

“She is okay now. All of the glass pieces have been safely removed and bandaged up.”

“Thank you.” Yoongi and Mrs Kang bowed to the doctors before entering the hospital room.

Your husband’s eyes became glossy as he saw you on the hospital bed and immediately pulled you into a hug.

“Yah Yoongs...what’s up with you?” You chuckled and pulled away from him since the hug was a tad bit too tight.

“It upsets me to see you hurt in a hospital bed…” Yoongi pouted and lay his head on your laps.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Mrs Kang smiled and left the room.

You tangled your hand in Yoongi’s hair and lightly massaged his head. “It’s like I’m looking after a baby!” You slightly giggled.

"I am your baby!"

4 Days later - 🏡 Your home

Finally, you were discharged from hospital since all your injuries were healed. Yoongi helped you into the home and onto the sofa. Currently, you did not feel any negative feelings from the house, assuming that Mrs Kang had successfully gotten rid of the spirit.

But why did it attack you? You decided to not worry about it too much as you just came back from the hospital. Glancing at the clock, you learned that it was only 12:00PM meaning that there was plenty of time to do something, like going out with Yoongi.

"Yoooooongiiiiii~" You whined.

Immediately, you saw Yoongi rushing into the room. "What happened? Are you hurt?" He asked as he quickly checked your arms, making you giggle. "What's so funny y/n?" 

"I'm not hurt." You chuckled. "But can we go out somewhere? We have loads of time.."

You looked up at Yoongi with puppy eyes, "Please?"

"Okay fine!" He finally gave in after your puppy eye stunt. 

"Yay you're the best!" You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed him like a teddy bear.

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