6. Tired or real?

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"I was in the closet..."

"Since when?" You were absolutely perplexed.

"After I dropped you on the bed..." He responded, immediately making your face resemble a pale ghost.

Yoongi noticed and cupped your face with his hands, checking your forehead in case of a fever or high temperature. "What's going on with you angel?"

"I-I...I don't know! It felt so real though! You must be p-pranking me..." You muttered.

"No y/n, I didn't prank you at all." Suddenly, an idea popped into the males head. "How about this, you've had a long day, right?" You nodded in response. "And you're tired, right?" You nodded.

"Let's get you to sleep then, hm? You know what they say, people can see random things when they're tired." You agreed and let yourself melt inthe arms of your loving husband, brushing the occurrence under the rug.

You hugged onto his arm which was once again loosely wrapped around your shoulders with his hand placed over your eyes.

However, this wasn't the same thing which he was thinking...

Yoongi POV

After y/n had fallen asleep, I gently lay her head on the pillow right next to me so that she wouldn't wake up and pulled my laptop from the bedside table. I opened the metal object to be might with a bright screen, instantly dimming the brightness as it was dark in the room.

Hopping onto the search engine, I began to type in some words and formed a sentence.

What are some causes of hallucinations?

After pressing enter, the search engine loaded for a second and within a flash, many websites and answer boxes showed up as a result.

Drugs called hallucinogens can induce hallucinations ...

Schizophrenia. ...

Postpartum mental health disorders. ...

Anxiety and depression. ...

Alcohol withdrawal. ...

Dementia and other brain disorders. ...

Seizures. ...


However, none of these applied to y/n other than the exception of her anxiety regarding the current situation. After some thinking, I decided to search something else instead, just in case it had an answer.

Can fear cause hallucinations?


Stress can exacerbate the symptoms of psychotic, mood, anxiety, and trauma disorders. And when these disorders are at a severe level is when the risk of psychosis is heightened. So, in a way, stress can indirectly cause hallucinations.

Could this be an answer to what y/n experienced? Could she have possibly hallucinated me being with her because of the fear of the entity thing?

I did not want to worry y/n earlier on, so I told her that she must have been feeling very tired. Maybe Mrs Kang might have a more appropriate answer? Maybe it's possibly linked to the evil?

Glancing at the time, I learned that it was almost midnight so I shut down my laptop and sunk into the soft, pearl mattress. Before falling asleep, I remembered that Mrs Kang wanted to speak to y/n, so I decided to tell her tomorrow.

End of POV

The next day

You groaned as the sounds of the birds constantly tweeting had woken you from your dreamland. Looking to the side, you saw that Yoongi was still asleep and that it was almost 9AM. After stretching your arms, you stumbled out of bed and completed your morning routine before strolling downstairs into the kitchen.

Since it was Saturday, you thought that it would be nice to prepare a lovely breakfast for yourself and Yoongi, of course. You grabbed some coffee and heated it on the stove as your beverage for the morning. As the drink was warming up, your eyes wandered through the window, glancing at the cloudy skies and trees which surrounded the area.

Ever since the pair of you had moved in, you realised that you had never really explored the area as much as you thought you did because you also noticed a beautiful lake that was located behind the trees. The sound of the coffee heating up interrupted you in thoughts, driving your attention back to the stove.

After preparing the coffee, you took hold of the two lexicon plates and placed them on the counter. You sat on a chair and sipped your coffee, waiting for the brown haired male so that the two of you could eat breakfast together. Finally after a few minutes, you heard the sound of footsteps followed by the feeling of an arm wrapping around your shoulders.

"Hey, I made breakfast!" You spoke.

Yoongi gasped in delight as he eyed the food.
"I love your cooking!" You giggled at him instantly sitting on the chair and digging into the breakfast. "Oh yeah, Mrs Kang wants to talk to you." Yoongi voiced out.

You looked at him in confusion as to who 'Mrs Kang' was.

"She's the old woman who owns that China shop." He answered.

Your mouth formed an 'O' shape after realising who he was talking about. "Why?" A sudden wave of fear engulfed you, thinking about what she wanted to say now.

More ghosts? Demons? More scary stuff?

"She wants to talk to you about what's been going on- but don't worry! She's trying to help!" Yoongi tried to stay positive since he could see right through your eyes that you were a little nervous.

"Are you s-sure? I mean, what if she's one of those crazy old ladies that put curses on people-" His index finger was pressed against your lips, signaling you to stop blabbering for a moment.

"Mrs Kang is nothing to be scared of, okay? And don't worry, I'm always here with you." He wiggled his eyebrows at the last part, making you blush a little. "Is my y/n blushing?" He teased.

"Ye-NO! No I'm not, stop it." You averted your gaze to the side.


"It's alright baby, breathe." Your husband reassured you before entering the store once again. He held your hand tightly and led you to the room which he was in when he had a chat with Mrs Kang.

"Greetings son! Ah, y/n, it's lovely to meet you again." The old lady extended out her arm to shake your hand.

At first, you were hesitant, but Yoongi looked at you and nodded. Taking hold of the old lady's hand, you shook it and respectfully bowed.

"I know you are feeling scared dear, it's okay, nothing can hurt you here." Mrs Kang smiled at you. She was giving off a comforting and friendly aura, which made you feel safe. "I wanted to ask you, what was the first weird experience you had?" Mrs Kang spoke.

You thought for a moment, rewinding the past few days. "There was a misplaced porcelain doll, so I put it back in the room it belonged in.

"You touched that doll!?"

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