5. Mrs Kang

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Yoongi POV

I walked through the town as my eyes scanned for the shop that y/n talked about. I had called up a friend to take y/n somewhere so that she wasn’t alone in the house.

China teacup shop...China teacup shop...China teacup shop-

“There it is.” I whispered to myself.

Since the sign read ‘OPEN’, I used this opportunity to speak to the old woman.

When I entered the shop, I was greeted by an old lady at the counter, who I assumed was the one y/n talked about. “Hello young man! How can I help you?” She kindly greeted me.

“Actually, I want to ask you something. If you don’t mind of course.” I asked her. The old woman nodded in response. “Do you know anything about the farmhouse?”

The old woman shuddered as I mentioned the house. "You’re that lady’s husband, aren’t you?"

She sighed and signaled me to follow her into another room in the shop. I sat down opposite her on a chair as she leaned her wooden walking stick on a cupboard. “I thought you would come here to ask me questions about that.”

“Yes, I did. My wife has been scared to death ever since you told her that. I’m worried for her.”

“I am sorry son, but it’s true. Something evil is lurking in your home and it has found an attachment to your wife.”

I blinked in confusion at her explanation. since I’m not the best with ghosts and the paranormal, I couldn't quite understand what she meant. “What do you mean that it's attached to y/n?”

The old lady leaned forward and spoke, “There is an evil entity that lurks in your home. In the past, there have been many families who moved into that home, only to flee later. We have had some priests to come and bless the house, but I guess that hasn’t been enough to get rid of this entity.”

It took me a moment to digest all this information. It reminded me of horror movies. “How do we get rid of this entity? It’s been terrorising my wife ever since we moved in.”

The frail old lady gasped at my reply and covered her mouth with her hand before sighing and taking her hand away from her mouth. Her veiny hands reached for mine and held them. “If you do not mind son, I would like to speak to your wife, what is her name again?”

“Y/n.” The old woman nodded.

“Ah, I almost forgot to tell you mine!” She nervously chuckled. “I am Mrs Kang.” I shook her hand and bowed again as respect.

“It was nice talking to you Mrs Kang.” I glanced at the clock and learned that it was almost five in the evening already.

“It’s time for me to leave now, bye Mrs Kang!” Mrs Kang and I bid our goodbyes and I left the shop.

Most of my questions had been answered so I was quite satisfied with the outcome. Now I just needed to pick up y/n. I planned to surprise her to make her happy and get her mind off all this negativity by taking her to one of the town’s hotspots. After around twenty minutes, I reached my destination and parked the car before getting out. I saw y/n and greeted her with a hug before leaving.

“I have a surprise for you.” I smiled at her.

“Ohh really?” Her face immediately lit up, making me smile even more. I nodded and she giggled to herself.

“What is it?” She asked with puppy eyes.

“If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise.” I chuckled.

We finally arrived at our stopping point and we both got out of the car. I wrapped one arm around her waist as the other covered her eyes. I guided her to the location until we came to a stop.

“You can open your eyes now.” Y/n fluttered her eyes open and blinked a few times.

Her eyes widened as she gasped and looked at me. “Y-yoongs it’s beautiful!”

“I felt like I had to show you this, I know you love places like this.” I intertwined my hand with hers.

It was the view of Seoul with the bright lights twinkling along with the stars. Y/n looked up at the stars which reflected beautifully in her eyes and then at her hand with a happy expression plastered on her face.

“Look! The wedding ring is shining like that star!” She chuckled like a little kid. It was really cute and I adored to see her like this.

“It does, and it looks great on you.” I whispered the last part in her ear.

Y/n looked at me and smiled. “Thank you for this yoongs, I really love it!” She pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss.

“I love you y/n. I want you to be happy forever.” I spoke after pulling away from the kiss.

“I love you too, and I’ll always be happy with you.” She had a hug smile on her face and she looked beautiful.

She glanced down at the small watch decorating her wrist, “It’s getting late now, we should head...home.” Y/n muttered.

I nodded and took hold of her hand, leading her back to the car.

End of POV


The pair of you finally arrived back home after the car journey. Now, the clock read '20:33' as you and Yoongi were cuddled together on the couch watching the latest disney movie, snickering at some jokes which were thrown in here and there.

You had an instant boost in serotonin with your loving and caring Yoongi around which brought a smile to your face. His comforting actions made you completely forget about the scary entity drama, and he had noticed it.

After an hour and a half, the movie came to an end as Yoongi let out a yawn. “I’m tired.  y/n~” He whined like a baby and squeezed you with his strong arms.

“Aaah let’s go to bed then!”  Your chuckled at his childish behaviour.

The brown haired male chuckled and picked you up, carrying you into the room.

“I thought you were tired but you have the energy to carry me.” You teased him as you dropped you on the bed.

“Hey, you’re lucky you got carried!” He answered back.

“I could carry you! I am strong too.” You pouted.

“Then carry me.” He folded his arms.

“Oh I’m too tired right now...” You let out a fake yawn sinking into the bed and resting your head onto the soft pillow.

You turned your head to the side and looked at Yoongi-

“Yoongs?” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as the spot on the bed where Yoongi was sitting was now empty.

“Yeah?” The male voice called out.

Following the sound of the voice, your gaze averted to the closet door as you saw Yoongi walking out with a different shirt on.

“W-When did you go inside there? Y-you were just here...with me right now!” Your voice rose a little in disbelief.

Yoongi looked at you in confusion, “I was in the closet...”

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