9. A lovely date

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Time skip

You changed into a lovely dress and touched up your hair and makeup. Yoongi had agreed on taking you out on a date for tonight, giving the two of you some quality time for yourselves after all the hectic drama that had been occurring.

Just after you finished getting ready, Yoongi opened the door immediately freezing in time once his eyes landed on you. A cheeky smile formed on your lips before waving your hand in front of his face.

“Yoongs! Helloo!”

Yoongi flinched as he stopped daydreaming and slid his arms around your waist with a gummy smile plastered all over his face.

“You look beautiful.” He complimented you and showered your cheeks with kisses making you giggle.

“That tickles!” You softly pushed him away from you. Yoongi held your hand and led you to the car.

You buckled your seatbelt and glanced over to Yoongi, watching him start the car with his big, veiny hands.

Snap out of it y/n!

Quickly, you looked away with a red tint on your cheeks before Yoongi could notice. After many minutes of travel, the car stopped as the two of you finally arrived at the destination. Yoongi opened the car door for you and took your hand in his. The two of you walked hand in hand for around two minutes until your eyes fell upon something so wonderful. In front of you was a cherry blossom tree park, the place where you and Yoongi met.

“Omg Yoongs…” You gasped and turned to him, immediately engulfing him with a hug.
“This is such a lovely date, thank you so much.” You cupped his squishy cheeks and planted a loving kiss on his lips.

Yoongi happily kissed back and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. You felt safe in his embrace, you felt loved, you felt happiness. Before the kiss could get any more heated, Yoongi pulled away.


The two of you were now back in the car heading home after a long and lovely evening. Yoongi had arranged a beautiful dinner date at a secluded area in the park, made especially for couples. Suddenly, you felt his hand on your thigh, softly caressing it. However, this was also a signal that he was feeling some type of way

As you arrived home, Yoongi immediately pinned you against the wall after locking the front door, gazing deeply into your eyes.
“You know honey, you’ve made me feel a little excited this evening...” He whispered into your ear, making you shiver. “...and I need you to help me.”

His lips were now inches away from yours, and without hesitating, you connected your lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck and tangled your hand in his soft dark hair. You softly moaned as you felt his tongue exploring your mouth. It felt as though a hundred fireworks finally shot up to the sky, like the love Yoongi had for you.

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