14. A hidden background

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"Y/n where did you hear that name?" Your mom gasped as she widened her eyes.

Your father who was previously reading a random newspaper immediately looked up once Mrs Kang's name came out of your mouth. He too looked shocked but didn't say anything.

"Answer me y/n!" Your lips were slightly parted at your mom's sudden outburst, conforming the question which you had stuck in your mind.

She knows who she is, otherwise if she didn't she wouldn't have reacted this way.

"She lives in the same town as us-"

"What did she say to you?" Your mom cut you off and your dad stood up from the chair.

"Han calm down." Your father spoke calmly to your mom. "Talk about it, don't interrogate her." She sighed in response and sat down onto the sofa as she lightly massaged her forehead.

"She's my grandma, isn't she?" Your mom nodded. "You told me she was gone eomma!"

"Listen y/n, she isn't who she says she is." You tilted your head in confusion. "She used to be a bit, well crazy." You glanced at Yoongi with the 'oh my god' look on your face and he was looking at you with the same facial expression.

"Mom what do you mean by crazy?" He hesitantly asked.

"Many years ago, when you were just kids, we found out that she was doing weird things with dolls, ghosts and black magic. She would go around to different towns and neighbourhoods, putting curses and evil intentions in random houses and cover up her actions with fake, made up stories. The people who lived in those homes would ask her for help because they thought she knew how to help them."

Han paused for a few seconds before continuing. "She would put more evil and curses in their homes in exchange for money. She would portray herself as those psychic ghost investigator people, or whatever they're called."

"Y/n." Your father suddenly called out. "Don't tell me you know her through this..." By this time, you were slightly shaking in fear, anger and shock.

All this time it was Riyeon who had put that evil in your house which was supposed to be a new home and happy beginning for you and Yoongi.

"But appa...did she ever tell you her childhood story about a d-doll?"

"I do recall something like that..." He replied.

"She did!" Your mom exclaimed. "That's why she was going around houses doing that. She was trying to get rid of whatever evil was in that doll by putting it in other people's homes. My dear, h-has she done it to you?"

You innocently nodded as tears brimmed in the corners of your eyes, threatening to escape them. You couldn't help but release all the tension through the salty liquid.

"I'll take her out for a while." Yoongi voiced and your parents nodded understandingly.

He wrapped an arm around your waist and walked you upstairs into your old bedroom which still looked the same as it was when you were nineteen and used to stay in there with Yoongi for hours. After shutting the door with his foot, Yoongi pulled you into his arms and let you cry into his chest, not caring that your tears were making his shirt wet.

He soothingly rubbed your back with his hand and stroked your with the other, calming your nerves down. You continued to sob for up to five minutes until there were no more tears left to cry.

After wiping your tear stained cheeks with your hands, you looked up at Yoongi and he seemed genuinely worried.

"Bubs are you feeling okay?" He asked and caressed both your cheeks with his large and veiny hands.

"Better now." You smiled. "But I also need a distraction from everything..."

"You need a distraction huh?" Yoongi understood what you were saying and chuckled as he trapped you against the wall and connected your lips.

His hands intertwined with your smaller ones and held them against the wall on both sides of your head as his soft lips moved in sync with yours.

You let go of his hands and teasingly trailed yours up his chest before wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. You felt something wet on your bottom lip as a soft moan escaped your mouth, allowing his wet muscle to enter your mouth.

Yoongi's hands travelled down your torso and around your waist and pulled you so close that there was no space between you, making you feel a tingly sensation. Your tongue glided over his before he bit onto your top lip as you let out a low moan.

Before things could get anymore heated, you placed your palms on his chest and gently pushed him off of you.

The sound of yours and Yoongi's heavy breathing after being deprived of oxygen for a few minutes was the only thing that could be heard within the room.

"That was good." He whispered in your ear as his lips grazed over it.

"That's enough now...they might hear if we did something here." You giggled at Yoongi who pouted in response. "Later, okay?"

"Y/N, YOONGI! DINNER IS READY!" Your mother yelled from the kitchen downstairs.

You grabbed Yoongi's hand headed down the stairs, following the trail of the smell of your mother's delicious cooking. Entering the kitchen, your eyes lay upon the plates of food neatly presented on the table. You and your husband sat next to each other on the dining table with your parents in front of you.

"Are you okay now dear?" Your mom asked as she picked up some food with her chopsticks.

"Yes I am." You smiled before digging into the dinner.

After you had all eaten dinner, it was time for you and Yoongi to take your leave. The two of you put your shoes and jackets on before bidding your goodbyes. Just as you were outside the front door, you felt someone tug onto your arm making you turn around to be met with your worried mother.

"If you come across that old woman, stay away from her okay? She is bad news dear." You nodded.

"If anything happens, call us or you can come stay here alright? Stay safe my beautiful daughter." She kissed your forehead and hugged you before waving goodbye with a sad smile.

After your mom watched the car drive away, she shut the front door and locked it before turning around to face your dad.

"Do you think Riyeon is targeting y/n on purpose? What could she possibly want from y/n?" She voiced as you looked into her husband's eyes.

He sighed. "She might be trying to get back into the family through y/n, but our daughter is a smart and strong girl and so is Yoongi. They won't let that happen." He patted Han's shoulder reassuringly.

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