12. Unexpected turn

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"Mrs K-Riyeon, where did it even come from?" You asked her.

"I...I don't know the answer to that question..." Riyeon sighed and looked down, thinking that she had let you and Yoongi down. "However, I think I know someone who might."

Yoongi gave her a 'who are you talking about' look as he curiously leaned forward.

"The old lady's son, Minhyung. He lives about an hour away from here." The frail old woman continued on.

Suddenly, she placed her hand over her mouth and gasped. "Ah wait! There's another thing I just remembered. My halmeoni also used to live with us in that home. But, one day she had suddenly passed away. Doctors at the time told us that it was due to natural causes of old age, but I don't believe that..."

You slightly shifted in your seat, getting shivers from Riyeon's story about her past.

"After her passing, we moved out of the house to Daegu. I moved back here and bought ownership of the China store when I was 34 and I've been here ever since."

Your lips were slightly parted as you listened to everything that had happened before you and Yoongi arrived in this town. Never would you have thought that this was what was going to happen, dealing with evil spirits and a doll, it was all so unexpected and crazy.

"I have a box of old records and photos! Would you like to see them?" Riyeon happily asked.

It seemed as if she really wanted to show you and Yoongi her old photos. In fact, you were quite curious to see what the house must have looked like all those years ago. You smiled at her and nodded, gesturing to fetch the box.

Yoongi turned his head and looked at you with worry in his eyes.

"Do you not want to go back home?" He whispered.

You stared at him in confusion not knowing what to say. Yes, you were quite scared to go back home, but you also wanted to stay at Riyeon's house.

"I don't know..." You mumbled.

Just after that, Riyeon scrambled her way into the room and placed the box on the table. She shoved her delicate hands into the box and picked out an old album. It was a red coloured leather album that contained Riyeon's memories in the form of photographs.

Gently, she opened up the album and flicked over to the first page.

Gently, she opened up the album and flicked over to the first page

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The old photograph reminisced the home from decades ago, the crinkled paper radiating a gloomy and eerie effect.

"The house didn't really change that much, other than the few repaints and fixes." Riyeon added

As her delicate fingers turned over the next few pages, memories of her family and funny moments became fresh in Rieyon's mind, causing her eyes to become a little glossy. However, just as she flicked onto the next photograph, your breathing hitched and your eyes widened. The cold breeze around you making you shiver in your spot.

"T-That looks exactly like my m-mother!" You stuttered as you stared down at the old photograph.

The woman which you presumed to be your mother was standing in between Riyeon and an unfamiliar man, who may have been her partner at the time. But Mrs Kang never once mentioned being with someone in the past.

Riyeon looked at you with her eyes and face expressing guilt and Yoongi watching in confusion. He glanced down at the photograph, examining its features and the people's faces.

Yoongi POV

After I inspected the photo, I came to a conclusion in my head that the woman did indeed resemble y/n's mother a lot. They had the same eye shape, nose, face etc.

Glancing over at y/n, I noticed that she seemed like she was in shock, most likely wondering why on earth Riyeon has a photo of someone who looks exactly like her mother.

"I-Is it really her?" She inquired, in which Mrs Kang answered with a nod.

Y/n clasped her hand over her mouth as she shut her eyes. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer in order to calm and comfort her.

"How are you related?" I questioned Riyeon, eyeing the photograph once again just to make sure our eyes weren't deceiving us.

"...She's my daughter."

Y/n's eyes immediately shot up as she retracted her hands away from her face in shock.

"W-what?" She continued to stare at Riyeon for an answer.

Riyeon leaned forward and gently took y/n's hands in her own fragile ones, her eyes gazing into my wife's.

"I'm your grandmother."

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