4. Fear

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"I-I think the o-old woman is r-right..."

Yoongi hushed you as his hand comfortingly caressed your back. "Let's go back home and talk about this, okay?" He placed his other hand on your cheek. You nodded and he took hold of your hand leading you to the car.

Yoongi sat in the driver's seat and started the car as you sat in the passenger seat. For the whole journey, your right leg was continuously shaking and you were fiddling with your fingers. The brown haired male attempted to comfort you by holding your hand, calming you down.

Finally, the two of you arrived back home. Yoongi got out of the car and opened the car door for you. Fearfully, you glanced at the house and then back at him. You held your hand out, wanting him to hold it again. He accepted and held your hand out of the car, instantly resulting in you holding on to his arm.

"C-can we keep the lights on?" You asked him with puppy eyes as he locked the front door, kicking his shoes off.

"Alright, but you gotta tell me what's going on bubs." Yoongi wrapped an arm around your waist and brought you into the bedroom.

He sat at the end of the bed and leaned his back against the headboard with you on his laps. "What's going on y/n?" He asked.

"She's right, t-the old woman is r-right. Something..weird is happening..." You answered his question as your breathing became unsteady.

"Hey hey calm down, It's okay." Yoongi felt worry gush over him as he stroked your hair in order to make you calm.

"But I'm scared...ever since we've come here weird things have been happening to me. First I saw the reflection of a dark s-shadow in the photo frame. I'm really sorry, I lied that day about feeling lightheaded." You looked up at Yoongi, a tear rolling down your cheek.

"You were scared, weren't you? Of the...shadow thing?" You nodded in response.

"B-but when I turned around, nothing was there! But that's not the only thing." Yoongi looked at you in confusion. "Y-your face became distorted a-and scary. That's why I was trembling...You are my y-yoongs right? You're not the ghost are you-"

"Sweetheart don't worry, I'm not a ghost." His hands caressed your cheeks. "Tell me y/n, you have been getting enough sleep right?"

"Yeah. But then...also today, everyone's faces looked l-like the scary one. They all looked somewhat demonic and purely evil."

Yoongi sighed as he collected all your words in his mind. "Are you suggesting that maybe the house is haunted?"

You nodded, "The old woman was right. Something's wrong and I'm scared.."

"Shh, don't feel scared honey. I will always be here to protect you." Yoongi lovingly and comfortingly pecked you on the lips.

Suddenly, you felt the urge to use the toilet. You excused yourself and stepped into the bathroom. You finished all your business and turned the faucet. The sensation of the warm water against your hands made you relax. Small bubbles started to form in the sink, signalling you to turn off the tap. You looked in the mirror to fix your hair, only to let out a scream.

In the reflection, your eyes caught sight of a dark and demonic looking figure which was standing right behind you, gazing at your eyes through the mirror. In a flash, you ran to the door and tried to open it in a rush of adrenaline.

Unfortunately, it jammed since it wouldn't unlock. You banged your fists on the door and shouted for your husband's help.

Yoongi POV

I was sitting on the bed scrolling through my phone when I suddenly heard a scream, followed by banging noises coming from the bathroom. Without a doubt, I quickly got up and ran to open the bathroom door.

"What is it?" I worriedly asked her, immediately bringing her sobbing form in my arms. I could physically feel the fear and anxiety coming from her.

"I-I saw it in the mirror!" She cried.

"Love, I think you should have some rest okay? I'll be right here with you."

Y/n nodded and I took her back into the bedroom, helping her fall asleep quickly so that she wasn't feeling scared. She couldn't keep her eyes closed without thinking that the figure would be there, so I had my arm wrapped around her neck with my large hand covering her eyes. After a while, y/n had peacefully fallen asleep in my arms.

To be honest, I did feel concerned for y/n. I could almost sense and feel the fear radiating off of her. She'd only been feeling more scared and anxious ever since the old woman had those words glued in her head. If she hadn't said that, I don't think y/n would have been feeling as scared as she is right now.

Tomorrow, I am going to find the old woman and speak to her about this. I need answers.

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