16. Euphoria

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"EMM MMEERE!" You tried to shout, even though your lips were taped shut.

Mrs Kang picked up a metal rod and slowly walked towards you, scraping the end of the weapon against the ground. You scooted back until you were trapped against the wall behind you. The older lady lifted the rod in the air and you shut your eyes, waiting for impact, only to hear someone else groan. You fluttered your eyes open and saw a man throw the rod away and an unconscious Mrs Kang. He turned around and you instantly filled with joy.

"Oh my god baby!" He rushed to pull you into a hug as you cried into his chest.

Yoongi looked down behind you and saw that your hands were tied. He took the tape of your mouth before untying the rope. Once your hands were free, you immediately wrapped your arms around him and cried even more, mostly tears of joy that you were finally in safe arms. 

"Y-Yoongs, I was so scared I-I thought she was going to k-kill me." You sobbed.

"Shh it's okay. No one can hurt you now okay? Let's get you upstairs, the police and paramedics will be here in a few minutes." Yoongi comfortingly caressed your hair before lifting you up and carrying you upstairs.

He shut and locked the basement door so that the old lady wouldn't be able to escape if she woke up. Gently, he placed you onto the couch and put some pillows behind you to support your back. Just as he was about to walk away to get something, you grabbed his hand. 

"N-No don't go please stay w-with me..." Tears welled up in your eyes out of fear.

"I'm just getting a small towel for your wound okay? I'm right here honey." Yoongi kept his eyes locked with yours as he walked backwards to the kitchen and took hold of the soft material.

He sat beside you and pressed the towel against the wound on your head in order to stop you from losing any more blood.

"When are t-the police c-coming?" You stuttered out of fear, not wanting Mrs Kang to break the basement door down too.

"They should be here any minute now." He stroked your hair to keep you calm.

Suddenly, the sound of loud bangs echoed through the hallway, making its way into the living room. Your eyes widened as you shivered in fear, knowing that it was crazy Mrs Kang. Instinctively, you clutched tightly onto Yoongi.

"It's h-her, it's her! Can we w-wait outside p-please..." You cried and buried your head in his chest, trying to shut out the noises. 

"We can honey. It's better out there actually." He swiftly lifted and carried you outside the house, away from the hallway.

In the distance, the two of you head sirens until you could see the flashing red and blue lights. The authorities had finally arrived! You smiled with joy and jumped a little.

The police cars parked outside the house and officers got out and ran into the house through the broken front door to catch Mrs Kang.

The paramedics also came and you sat in the ambulance with Yoongi by your side as the medic treated your wounds. You shut your eyes and squeezed his hands when you felt a stinging pain once in a while. After they were treated, you thanked the medic before getting out of the ambulance. Soon after, one of the police officers walked over to you.

"Mrs Min, would you mind if we take you in for a quick questioning?" She asked.

You nodded in response and glanced at Yoongi with worried eyes. He looked back at you with a soft smile which told you that it was going to be okay.

After answering the few questions, you saw Mrs Kang in handcuffs getting taken by three police officers. You gasped and quickly hid behind the officer who was with you. She noticed your frightened state and turned around to face you.

"It's alright ma'am, you won't be seeing her for the rest of your life. In fact in the past we had a few complaints about this old lady, thanks to you she is finally going to be put behind bars." You smiled at the officer and nodded.

A few days later

"Honey, do you have everything?" Yoongi shouted from outside as he leaned against the black car. 

"YES!" You shouted back and skipped out of the house to the car.

You happily jumped onto Yoongi and wrapped your arms and legs around him like a koala. The two of you were about to leave the infamous house and head to your new home. That's right, you decided that you just couldn't stay in that house any longer.

Plus the fact that it once belonged to Mrs Kang just did not sit right with you. So, you and Yoongi bought a new house for a good deal. It was around three hours away so the drive was going to be long, but worth it.

"The last time I saw you this excited was before our wedding." Yoongi chuckled and pinned you against the car. "Just a few more hours mademoiselle."

You laughed at his flirtatious behaviour and playfully hit his shoulder. He let you go before the two of you sat inside the car.

Hours later...

You fluttered your eyes open after falling asleep in the car ride. The vehicle came to a stop and you looked outside the window to see the new home.

 The vehicle came to a stop and you looked outside the window to see the new home

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(It looks something like this, but the house is smaller)

You gasped in joy and quickly got out of the car.

"Finally a fresh new start." Yoongi voiced as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and kissed your cheek.

A few weeks later

Your parents had just left your home after visiting and making sure that you and Yoongi were holding up okay. However, you kept going in and out of the bathroom to throw up which worried Yoongi, thinking you were sick. But you had a different thought, that maybe you were carrying your first child.

Scrambling through the cabinets in the bathroom, you finally found a pregnancy test and took it from the shelf. You took the test and waited for the results to show up on the stick. After a minute, you checked the test and gasped once you saw that it was positive.

Immediately, you scurried out of the bathroom to find the dark haired male who was chilling on the bed on his phone. He looked up at you with a confused face as to why you seemed so excited.

"Did you just see that seojun actor or whatever his name is." He chuckled.

You shook your head. "Actually I have something to tell you."

Yoongi raised his eyebrow aa he was now standing directly in front of you. You moved your hands away from your back and showed him the test.

"We're having a baby." You smiled in happiness.

You looked at Yoongi who was shocked at first until he engulfed you in a tight hug.

"O-oh my god we're going to be parents!" He had his gummy smile plastered on his face and instantly kissed you. "I love you so much honey."

"I love you too soon-to-be appa."

And you lived happily ever after.
The end ♡︎

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