10. Mrs Kang's story

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Mrs Kang POV

I was so close to telling the truth but that entity ruined the moment.

“Darn you!” I exclaimed as. I flipped through an old photobook of my old memories.

Photos of me and my family outside a house, the farmhouse that’s located on the outskirts. That’s right, I used to live there once with my parents, two siblings and my dear grandmother.

We were a happy family, laughing most of the time and creating wonderful memories that I never forgot. However, one day it all began to change and the aura of happiness began to slowly disappear from the home when my mother bought my younger sister a doll. I remember looking at that doll for the first time…


"Riyeon dear, we're home!" My mother shouted at the front door.

I glanced at Moonbyul, my younger six year old sister, holding a brand new doll.

"Eomma, moonie has a lot of dolls already!"

"Oh but look how beautiful this one is Ri!" Mum exclaimed and gestured Moonbyul to let me hold her new dolly for a second.

I took hold of the doll and admired its features. The doll had black hair, a hat and a dark dress. Its large and glossy glass eyes piercing through mine.

"I don't like it…" I mumbled, giving it back to Moonie.

"Well it isn't yours to play with dear. You're far too old for dolls." My mum chuckled.

"I know, I just wanted to look at it." I shrugged my shoulders. "By the way, where did you get it from? It looks very old and traditional."

"I bought it from a kind old lady in the town. Even better, her price was cheaper than most sellers who price their dolls hundreds." She explained as she calmly brewed herself a cup of tea.

"A random old lady? What if it's cursed or something eomma!" I gasped.

"Kang Riyeon! Don't be silly!" She scolded me.



I was sitting on the table doing my homework on some paper as Moonbyul played with the new doll on the carpet in the living room. I glanced at her from time to time just to make sure she didn't do anything silly or accidentally break something.

Suddenly my mum shouted,
"DINNER IS READY!" causing me to flinch.

Moonbyul left her doll on the floor and ran to the kitchen. I strolled over to the doll and picked it up, placing it onto the sofa so it would not get dirty.

I went to the dining table and sat on the chair. Soon after, my father came and sat down wearing his work attire.

"Appa what did you do today?"

"I had a meeting today and won a deal. Winning is a good feeling dear." He said.

Mother set the plates and dishes onto the table as the delicious smell of food satisfied our noses.

"Jagi your cooking smells delicious." Father said and kissed mother on the cheek.

"Ewww! Eomma appa kiss!" Moonbyul made a disgusted face and I laughed.

"Where is halmeoni?" My older brother, Jeonsan, asked.

"Oh, she must be so lost in her world of knitting! I'll go get her." Mother quickly sped off to get halmeoni.

She's always knitting something new every other day, like a scarf or a wooly hat.

I glanced over at the living room, and my heart began to beat faster when I saw the doll sitting on the floor. I swore I put it on the sofa, I know I did!

"What did my little Moonie do today huh?" Father had Moonbyul sat in his laps.

"I played with my new dolly!"

"Ahh, where is she?"
Moonbyul pointed towards the living room.

However, I noticed her small body tremble a little bit and her face going pale.

"That's a cute doll, just like you Moonie!" Father didn't seem to notice anything weird.

I looked over to the living room and saw what seemed like a dark shadow.

Immediately, I looked away and felt better once Mother and halmeoni came downstairs, feeling safe that more people were here.

End of flashback

Ever since that day, weird things started to happen, I even used to feel scared to even go to the toilet.
I remember my mother acting like she had seen ghosts and constantly telling my father that maybe the house is haunted.

The same thing was now happening to Yoongi and y/n. The only difference was that my father didn't believe my mother and didn't try to get help, but Yoongi did a good thing by doing the opposite.

Due to that reason, my family and I stayed in the home longer. Jeonsan used to have weird feelings too, like my mother. Moonybul and I used to feel scared.

I also remember when halmeoni suddenly passed away. It rained a lot that day and it was gloomy. The doctors said she passed away due to natural causes of old age, but she seemed fine at the time. I believe that it was something evil that caused pain and fear towards my family, the same evil that's terrorising the poor girl y/n.

We moved out of the home after halmeoni's passing and moved to live in Daegu. After many years, I came back to the town as I bought ownership of the teacup shop when I was 34. I remember my father wanting to visit to congratulate me, but mother refusing to come since she was traumatised after what happened.

During my time at the town, I remember all the families and couples who moved into the house. Some reported weird things like items breaking and moved out. However, some didn't experience anything weird and moved out due to their work/jobs.

I need to tell Yoongi the truth. I trust that he is strong enough to help me get rid of this evil, but it will take time. The ritual I performed only scared off the evil for a while, so it can return anytime soon. I need to warn him now!

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