Chapter 16

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*TW: Slight Homophobia. Read at your own risk

Alison's POV

I hate how every time that I look at her, I see how happy I was with her. Why did she choose to come back now, after I am finally happy again? I just really feel like the universe is against me.

I only just now realized how long I had been staring at her because Mark decided to kiss my cheek. I glanced over at him, and he gave me a confused look. I could hardly think straight at the moment, the only thing that I could think to do was run.

I didn't stop running until I was out of breath, and even then I wanted to run further. I mean, she got to run far away, so why can't I? I bent over, trying to regain my breath. I saw Mark drive up next to me and roll the window down.

"Get in. I'll take you home." he said. I immediately got into the car and he drove towards our home. We had only moved in with each other about a week ago, so she really chose the worst possible time to come back.

I just can't seem to figure out why I still care so much. I mean, I should be completely over her by now, but there's still a part of me who wants to be happy in the way that only she can make me. All of that should have went away when she decided to leave without saying anything other than a stupid letter that didn't actually explain anything. I would've thought that I would be the one to know, considering that I was her girlfriend, who she claimed to love, but apparently that wasn't good enough. Even Aria knew, and I thought that they weren't really that close. I guess if Noel knew, then that would make sense, but I still thought that I would be more trusted than him. I guess she really didn't love me like she said she did.
By the time that we had pulled up in front of our home, I could feel tears running down my face. Funny, that she would make me cry the same way that she did all of those years ago when she left. I just need to stop acting like a dumb teenager in love.

Mark walked around the front of the car and opened my car door for me. He stuck out his hand towards me, and I placed my hand in his. He lifted me out of the car and wiped away the tears from under my eyes, leaving his hand to rest on my cheek.

"I know that you might not be ready to talk about it, but once you are, can you please explain what happened back there? Spencer wouldn't answer. All she did was walk up and slap her before leaving." he said. At the mention of Spencer hitting her, I immediately perked up.

"She hit her?" I asked, involuntarily caring about her. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get my mind off of her. Also knowing about her past better than most of my friends, I was worried. I knew that hitting her could send her mind back to her foster father.

"Yeah, as soon as it happened, the kid next to her started screaming and crying. I think it was probably her kid, but she seems too young to have a child that age, especially since I'm assuming that she's your age." he put together.

"A kid? I didn't see a kid there." I asked.

"Well you left pretty quickly and it seemed like he was behind her the entire time, so it makes sense that you didn't see him. Do you want to go inside? We've been out here for a while now and I want to sit down." He asked, pointing towards the house, which we still had not gone into. I didn't even bother answering, I just turned and walked towards the house.

When we sat down on the couch, he brought me closer to his side, but I could only think about how he didn't hold me like she would. He wouldn't wrap one around my waist while the other ran through my hair the way that I liked. He would instead wrap one around my shoulder while the other held his phone. I missed the days of having her entire attention on me.

We sat there for a few minutes before I felt my phone vibrate by my leg. I turned it over and saw that I had a text message from Hanna.

Hanna: I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you earlier and that you had to find out like this, but it's what she wanted.

Alison: Why wouldn't she tell me? I thought she trusted me.

Hanna: She was scared. She only told me because I found out.

Alison: I still don't get it. Why did she leave?

Hanna: She was just a scared girl who found out that she was pregnant. What would you have done?

Alison: Wait. She was pregnant?

Hanna: Shit. I thought you had already figured that out. Don't tell her that I told you.

Alison: Who else would have told me?

Hanna: I don't know. Aria, Noel, Caleb, shit even Ezra and my mom knew.

Alison: You mean to tell me that basically everyone knew except for me and Spencer?

Hanna: Yeah, pretty much.

Alison: You do know that I'm only being somewhat nice because you're getting married soon, right?

Hanna: Yeah, I've gathered. Please don't tell them that I blabbed. I can't let them give me the disappointed mom look again.

Alison: Well you didn't tell me either, so be prepared for plenty disappointed mom looks.

Hanna: No, Ali please! I beg of you, please spare me!

Alison: I won't if you ask me like that.

Hanna: Okay, sorry. But I'm still really sorry about not telling you.

Alison: You should be.

I put my phone down and sighed, making Mark look up at me from his phone. He gave me a questioning look, basically asking what was wrong without using any words.

"She is my ex." The words came out of my mouth without even thinking. He looked at me in surprise, considering that I've never even brought up the fact that I am bisexual and have dated and hooked up with women before I started dating him.

"Wait, you like girls?" he asked, slowly removing his arm from around me.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" I asked, confused as to why he was no longer as close to me as before.

"Um, I mean, it's kinda weird, don't you think?" He asked.

"Do I think what is weird?" I asked, trying to make him say it. I could tell that he was uncomfortable, but I couldn't tell if it was because he thought that he had more competition or if he was flat out homophobic.

"Nevermind." he said, trying to change the subject.

"No, tell me what you think is weird." I said.

"I mean, I would get it if you were to like just women, but both? That just doesn't seem natural to me." he said.

Ah, so he's biphobic.

"So I'm a freak now, am I?" I asked, offended.

"That's not what I said." he tried to defend.

"It was implied."

"What is with women and always trying to read between the lines?" He asked, now raising his voice slightly.

"What lines? There was only one line there!" I said, now raising my voice as well.

"God, I dated you because I thought that you weren't like the other pretty girls that asked me out, but it turns out that you're all the same!" he yelled.

"Just get out! Don't even think about contacting me anymore unless it is to come pick up your stuff!" I yelled, picking up his coat and throwing it at him.

"You can't just kick me out of my house!" He yelled.

"The last time I checked, this house was under my name, not yours." I growled slightly, pushing him out the door and slamming it behind him.

I slid down the door, tears flowing freely from my eyes. The one time that I finally found someone that I thought I could love like I did her, and he turns out to be a complete asshole.

A/N: For those who skipped this chapter, basically what happened was that Alison found out about Emily's child and is mad, for good reason. Also, Alison's boyfriend turned out to be homophobic, so she broke up with him.

Thanks for reading this chapter!

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