Chapter 11

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Emily's POV

"What are you going to do?" Jordan's voice came through the buzzing in my ears. I hadn't even noticed that I was sitting again until Noel put his hand on top of mine.

"I'm not sure right now but I do know that I cannot tell Ali. She would freak out. I've already given her enough things to worry about." I mumbled, still in shock of the results.

"Whatever you decide to do, we'll be here." Noel said while she tried to comfort me.

"Thanks. The hardest part will probably be keeping this from Hanna. She's going to notice something is up, especially since we live in the same room." I told them.

"I mean, you're welcome to stay with me but I'm not sure how the fosters would feel about me bringing people they don't know to live with them out of the blue." Jordan said.

"It would only make them more suspicious if I start staying with someone else. Ali's definitely going to know that something's wrong. She has this weird ability to just see right through me." I said.

"Are you sure that you want to keep something like this from her? She's going to be pissed if she finds out that you didn't tell her." Noel said.

"Then we just don't let her find out. I don't know if I'll be able to handle a raging Ali even though I've been able to before." I pointed out.

"We still have time before school ends. Do you want to get something to eat and then I can take you back to Hanna's?" Noel suggested.

"Yeah, I'm actually pretty hungry. It might help me decide. Food always helps." I said.

"Would you like to join us in our adventure to The Brew?" Noel asked Jordan.

"Sure. Food always sounds great, especially if it's free food." Jordan said as she stood up from her bed. She came over to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulders and led me downstairs. We all got into the car and the ride was silent as I tried to sort my thoughts.

Would I be able to live with myself if I had an abortion? How would I be able to hide the pregnancy to everyone, including my girlfriend? I already knew that I wouldn't be able to put the child up for adoption. I can't let them go through what I went through.

By the time we got there, I had narrowed it down to two options, but both would need lots of planning to pull off without anyone finding out about it.

Noel bought us all lunch and we sat down to go over the options. I sat down next to Jordan and put my head down on her shoulder. She immediately found my hand under the table and grabbed it to try and comfort me as much as possible.

"So we only have about three options here. There's abortion, adoption, or tell people and raise the child in Rosewood." Noel explained.

"Actually there's a fourth option where we take her out of Rosewood and she wouldn't have to tell people and she wouldn't have to terminate the pregnancy or give the baby up for adoption." Jordan pointed out.

"I know that I don't want to put the baby up for adoption, so that narrows it down to the other three. I don't know if I'm ready to raise a child on my own, but I don't know if I would be able to live with myself if I terminated the pregnancy." I told them.

"We will be with you no matter your decision. I will be right next to you no matter what. I can help you find somewhere to live if you choose that. I can pay if you want to terminate the pregnancy. You won't be alone in this." Noel said.

"I really appreciate that, but you don't need to pay for everything. It means everything that you would just be here. I might want to tell a couple other people, but not too many. Just those who I know would help and be supportive through everything. I know Ali would be supportive, but I can't put her through anything else." I explained.

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