Chapter 9

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Emily's POV

I was sitting in English with Alison sitting to my right and Noel sitting to my left. Hanna was sitting behind me with her phone hidden underneath her desk. Spencer was sitting in the front row and Aria was sitting next to her, who also had her phone out. For some reason, Mr. Fitz didn't care that Aria was on her phone, even though he said he had a strict no-phone policy.

Noel pulled out his phone and motioned for me to do the same. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and saw that Noel had texted me.

Noel: Do you think the teacher has the hots for Aria?

Emily: I hope not that would be kinda creepy

Noel: I hope not either

Emily: Are you trying to say something here?

Noel: So I may have a little crush on Aria. You and Ali just seemed so happy and I want something like that. I think I could have that with Aria.

Emily: I think you should go for it. I went for it when I thought Ali was straight, and now look where that got us.

Noel: You're such a sap.

Emily: Shut up. But seriously, just go for it.

Noel: What if she says no?

Emily: Then deal with it.

Noel: Jeez, that was kinda harsh

Emily: Don't be a wimp. Just do it.

Noel: Ok, I will. But if she says no I'm blaming you.

Emily: Go right ahead.

He looked up at me and smiled, trying not to laugh. I was confused for a second, until I realized that he was not laughing at anything I said. I looked back at Hanna, and she had fallen asleep with her face smashed in her desk. Noel quickly took a picture before taking a book and slamming it down on the desk next to her head. She shot up and looked around for a second, and everyone was looking back at her now.

Noel and I quickly turned back around as soon as Mr. Fitz started talking again. We were both silent for a couple minutes before I felt something hit the back of my head. I turned around to see a mad Hanna and her pencil on the ground behind me. Noel picked it up and threw it back at her. She put her hand on her chest and faked offense.

"You're such a child." I told her and she threw something else at me.

"Yeah, Hanna. You're so immature." Noel added sarcastically.

"You're no better." I shot back at him. He then picked up his pencil and threw it at me.

"What is going on?" Ali said for the other side of me, laughing at us.

"It feels like I'm babysitting these two. They're worse than Jade and Jack combined." I told her and felt two more things hit my body.

"Please, Jack is like a tiny adult. He's more mature than you are." Hanna said.

"I don't think so." Ali said, smiling at me. "They have about the same amount of maturity."

"Wow, burn." Noel said. I turned to him and hit his shoulder before turning back to Ali. I pouted and she leaned over and pecked my lips before apologizing.

"You two are disgustingly cute." Hanna said.

"At least we aren't as bad as you and Caleb. You too are like constantly making out." Ali told her.

"If I wasn't friends with you and Caleb, I would definitely hate you." I told her.

"I didn't think we were that bad." she said.

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