Chapter 15

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Emily's POV

"Mama... mama... mama" was the first thing that I heard as I opened my eyes. Noah was sitting on top of me, and I turned to see Toby standing next to the bed with a smirk on his face.

"Yes sweetheart?" I asked.

"I want juice"

"Did you ask Uncle Toby?"

"Yes. He said ask you"

"Well tell him that Mama wants more sleep and he can fill up one cup of juice." I said.

"Mama says.."

"Yeah I heard her buddy. Let's go get some juice. I might as well give you the whole container if Mama isn't going to get up." Toby said as he picked up Noah.

"You know I'm feeling much more awake now." I said as I got up. I picked up my phone and saw that I had a text from Felix.

Felix: The most beautiful man just asked me for my number. I'm definitely not hyperventilating right now.

Me: How did you even wake up this early?

Felix: Bold of you to assume that I went to sleep. But seriously though, I've already had 3 cups of coffee and I need you to stop me from buying a fourth.

Me: Just think of the bush incident.

Felix: Oh dear Lord thank you

Me: No problem. I have no problem reminding you of that embarrassing moment.

Felix: You know, I kinda hate you.

Me: I love you too.

Felix: But back to that man though. He looked super scary but was actually super shy??? I don't know how this works

Me: You literally look like a child but have the voice of a demon.

Felix: Good point. Now go take care of your little demon.

Me: Thank you for addressing my child that way.

Felix: No I meant Toby

Me: fkbkcaiuuegai

Felix: I don't speak bottom

Me: How do you not speak your own language you dumb bitch

Felix: Good point

My attention was taken away from the conversation when I heard Noah shout my name. I quickly walked out of the room to find my son on top of Toby, who had a pillow in his hands.

"Help me Mama! He's going to escape!" He screeched, trying his best to keep Toby on the floor.

I quickly walked over and grabbed Toby's hands and pinned them to the ground. He struggled against my grip for a second and then admitted defeat. He pouted up at me before saying, "I hate you."

"No, you don't," I said.

"Yeah, I kinda do." He said before rolling over so that Noah slid off of his stomach. They then proceeded to run around the apartment playing some sort of game that obviously did not include me.

Finally, the day had come where I would be going back to Rosewood where I hopefully will not be killed as soon as I arrive. I woke up early and packed bags for me and Noah and set them by the door so that they wouldn't be forgotten. I silently walked towards Noah's room and got him dressed, being careful not to wake him up.

I walked out into the kitchen where I saw Toby making coffee, and he silently passed a cup to me, knowing that I didn't get much sleep the night before.

"Did you reschedule with  your therapist? I know Hanna's going to be pissed if you don't follow through with that." Toby whispered, seeing a sleeping Noah on the couch.

"Yeah, she said it was cool if we had a month off since apparently I've been doing a lot better, but it just seems more like I have had more distractions recently with this wedding thing." I replied.

Once we both finished out cups of coffee, I walked over to the couch and picked up a still sleeping Noah who immediately buried his face into my neck as soon as he came in contact with me. Toby grabbed the bags and put them in the car and then we were on our way to Rosewood.

Once we had arrived, it was almost noon, so we were going to stop by Ashley's house and drop off our bags and meet everyone for lunch. When we arrived at her house, I noticed that Ashley was sitting on the porch swing with my siblings, which I guess included Hanna as she had told me many times to refer to her as my sister.

As soon as I got out, I was immediately brought into a hug by Jade, which was quickly followed by Jack. Jack had grown so much since the last time that I saw him, as he is now almost the same height as me. Hanna came a couple seconds later, with my son in her arms. They were giggling at something, but whatever it was, I didn't know.

Toby walked out behind me, and I saw him hug Ashley before getting our bags and bringing them inside.

"I thought we were meeting you guys at the grille?" I asked, still holding onto Jack, who seemed to not want to let go.

"We wanted to see you before you get trampled by Aria and Noel, and their new partners." Jack said, slightly muffled by how tightly he was hugging me.

"Oh, right. I forgot they both got someone new. I'm still surprised Aria is actually dating our high school english teacher. Noel and Jordan I am not surprised about. The tension between those two was unreal."

Toby joined us again, and then we set out for the grille. On the way there, we listened to music and laughed as Noah tried to sing along despite not knowing the words.

As soon as we arrived, I saw Aria standing outside the door, looking nervous. She kept looking inside, but as soon as she saw me, she looked even more panicked and tried to stand in front of the door.

"Hey Em. It's nice to see you again. Are you sure that you don't want to go to a different restaurant? They seem a little full in here. I don't want you guys to have to wait too long." She said, speaking a mile a minute.

"It shouldn't be too bad. We can wait." I said. Aria knew there was no use in trying to argue, so she decided to just move out of the way of the door. As soon as I walked in, I met a pair of eyes that I wasn't expecting to see for a while yet.

Alison's POV

I was sitting at lunch with my boyfriend, along with Spencer, as she had said that we didn't spend enough time together. I thought it was weird considering that I hang out with her a lot more than the other two. They always seemed like they were hiding something from us, or more specifically me.

I leaned my head on my boyfriend, Mark's, shoulder, and he pecked the top of my head, which made me smile. It doesn't make me feel the same way as Em- I mean she who shall not be named, but he makes me happy.

I looked up at Spencer, who seemed to pale a couple shades, and I saw that she was looking at something behind me. I turned around, and I immediately wished I hadn't.

Because standing before me, was she who shall not be named herself.

A/N: I'm so sorry that it took so long to update but I've been busy with school and really just had not motivation to write. I hope that I will have another chapter coming soon, but I can't promise anything. I hope you liked this chapter! See you soon, hopefully!

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