Chapter 6

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Alison's POV

The next day...

I woke up in the same position I had fallen asleep in, and now Emily was awake and looking at me with her beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "Good morning beautiful." I said.

"Good morning. It's kinda nice waking up in your arms. We should do this more often." she said while she smiled at me.

"Whatever weirdo. Let's get up before Jack comes in and yells at us again." I said. She laughed and I couldn't help but smile. Her laugh was the most adorable thing I have ever heard.

I got dressed in a white floral dress and white heels. I put on light makeup and put my hair in loose curls. Emily was wearing a blue sweatshirt and light gray joggers. Her hair had natural waves and she was wearing light makeup as well. I was standing in front of my mirror when she walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around me from behind. She rested her chin on my shoulder.

"I love you so much." she whispered before she innocently kissed my jawline.

"I love you too." I replied truthfully. She let me go and I immediately missed the contact. She led me downstairs and we made breakfast together.

"You guys better be making food because I'm starving." Jack said as he walked down the stairs.

"Yes, we're making breakfast. Is Jade ready yet?" Emily asked him.

"She kept going on about which shirt she should wear with the pants she chose. She said lots of things I didn't understand, which is why I just left." he said, which made both of us laugh.

About five minutes later, Jade walked down. I have got to say, this girl does have a great sense of style. It looks a lot like something that Hanna would wear.

"Good morning." she greeted before she sat down at the table.

"Why are you in such a good mood this morning?" Emily asked her.

"I'm just happy. Can I not be happy every once in a while?" she asked. Emily just raised her hands in defeat.

"By the way, we're going to the center tomorrow after school." Emily told them and they just nodded and smiled at her. "Ali, you can come too if you would like. We basically just go there to hang out with other foster kids in the area."

When we got to school, everyone was looking at Emily, probably because of what happened yesterday. I shot glares at everyone who looked at her strangely, and they all looked away as soon as possible.We walked over to our friends, who were standing at Spencer's locker. They all greeted us kindly, and you could see the sympathy behind their eyes. I know how much Emily hates being sympathized.

"Can you guys not look at me like I'm a lost puppy?" Emily pleaded them. They all looked away from her, most likely because they knew that they were only going to be able to feel bad for her if they look her in the eyes. The only one who remained eye contact was Caleb.

We were in an awkward silence until Noel walked up to our group. "Hey, Emily." he greeted. He just nodded at me, and barely even acknowledged the others existence.

"Hey, Noel." Emily said back. "Did you need something?"

"Not really. I just wanted to say hi. Also, I wanted to invite you guys to my party that I'm throwing this weekend." he said as he finally acknowledged the other people standing around us. He walked away before we could say anything else.

"When did you guys become friends?" I asked curiously.

"He offered me his protection after everything went down yesterday." she answered.

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