Chapter 8

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Emily's POV

My birthday has been great so far. We went out to lunch with the other girls, and we were all heading back to the house where they were going to give me presents. Hanna said that she had to go pick up her present, but she's been gone for a while now. We all agreed that we should wait until Hanna got back before I opened the presents, even though I told them that I didn't need anything for my birthday, but they insisted on getting me something.

About five minutes later, Hanna came in with a medium sized box. She put it down on the coffee table that was placed in front of me. Ali was sitting to my left side, and Hanna had just sat down on my right. Jade and Jack were sitting on the rug and Spencer and Aria were sitting on another couch. Jade got up and pushed a present into my face.

I opened it, and it was a bunch of drawing of me, Jade, Jack, and Ethan. They were all very detailed. Ali and Hanna were both looking over my shoulder, amazed by the drawings. Hanna was the first to look up from them. "You seriously drew these?" she asked Jade. Jade nodded. "Awesome." Hanna said before she looked back at the drawings. Jade walked over to me and I hugged her before she went and sat back down.

Spencer was the next one to give me her present. When I opened it, I saw the first picture that me and Spencer ever took together. We were both around thirteen years old, and we had our arms around each others shoulders. We both had huge smiles on our faces. "You are so adorable." Ali said while she was looking at the picture. I smiled at her before I thanked Spencer and Hanna gave me her present.

She was sitting impatiently, waiting for me to open the present. "If you don't stop moving, I'm never going to open it." I told her. She immediately stopped moving around and I opened it. I was amazed by what I saw.

"I found some of the old pictures that you left at my house one time. Instead of returning them right away, I decided to make this." she explained. There were pictures of me when I was a really little kid, some of them were with my dad, and some with Ethan. There were some with Hanna, and some with Ali. They were all in a little box. At the end of the stack, there was a more recent picture of Ali, kissing my cheek. I thanked her and hugged her. We both pulled away with tears in our eyes.

"Okay, so I guess that it's my turn now." Aria said as she got up and gave me a little box. "It isn't really better than Hanna's but I got you this." I opened the box, and there was a locket that said forever on the front. When I opened it, there was a picture of all of us together. I thanked Aria and I turned to the two that were left, Jack and Ali.

"We got you something together." Jack said as he came up and gave me an envelope. I opened it and tears immediately sprung to my eyes. There was a letter from Ethan, and there was also the last letter that I got from my dad before he died. I read the one from my dad first, and I tried my hardest to not let the tears fall. I was reading the letter from Ethan when Ali got up from the couch. She said that she needed to get the second part of the present. When I got to the end of the letter I was confused. What does he mean by I couldn't wait to see you?

Just a few moments later, Ali came back in. She grabbed my hand and led me to the front door. She covered my eyes and led me to the front yard. Then I heard the voice of the person that I missed the most  in the world. "Happy birthday birdy." Ali took her hands from my eyes and I sprung into the arms of my oldest brother. He held me tightly against his body and I finally let the tears fall freely. He cradled my head in his hand and kissed my temple. "I missed you." he whispered to me.

Jade and Jack came running over and they jumped on him. All of us were crying at this point. He somehow managed to have all of us in his arms at the same time.

We finally pulled away and I turned back to my girlfriend to see she was smiling brightly at me. I motioned her over to me and she ran over and leaned into my side. I put my arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. She reached up and wiped the remaining tears from my face.

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