Chapter 10

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Emily's POV

I noticed that Ali had fallen asleep in my arms, but I couldn't sleep. After all of this time, why call me now? She was the reason for all of the bad stuff that happened to me. My mother just shut down after my father died, and just left me and Ethan to take care of two young kids. I get it, she loved him, but she didn't have to leave us home alone for weeks at a time.

Not only did she just try to walk back into my life, but she also seems to be stalking me too. How would she even know about my relationship with Ali? It's creepy.

I slowly got out from under Ali and she whimpered a little bit at the loss of contact between us. I just needed to go outside for a few minutes to get some air. I went out and sat down on the front stairs. Someone emerged from the shadows and my breath caught in my throat.

"What are you doing here, Luke?" I asked.

"I'm here to make an offer." He said. When I didn't reply, he continued. "If you come with me for the night, I won't tell your mother where you are. All she knows right now is your phone number." He smirked when he saw me thinking over my answer.

"How do I know that you aren't lying to me right now?" I asked him carefully.

"I would do anything for just one more night with you, even if it means lying to the person who's paying me to find you." He answered.

"If I go with you, you must never tell her where I am, and you must never contact me again." I countered.

"Anything you want." He told me, slowly coming closer to me. When he got close enough, he lightly touched my hand and looked into my eyes. All I could see was the evil hiding behind his sky blue eyes. "What do you say?"

"I'll do it." I say. He quickly grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the house and repeated what he did to me all of those years ago.

When I got home a couple hours later, I went upstairs and took a shower, letting the warm water mix with my tears. I scrubbed my body, trying to erase all of memories of where he touched me.

I went back downstairs to make sure that Hanna and Alison were still asleep. Once I knew that they were still sleeping soundly, I walked up to the room Jade and Jack were sleeping in. I felt the tears make their way to my eyes again as I watched them sleep. I couldn't let my mom mess up their lives the same way she did to me.

I thought back to what my mom had said on the phone this evening. "I know about your relationship with that girl Alison. Either you come with me, or I take her and your siblings." I refuse to let them go through that again, even if they were too young to remember.

I walked into Hanna's room and laid down under the covers of her bed. I couldn't stop the tears from falling, and I eventually cried myself to sleep.

Alison's POV

I woke up the next morning with Emily no longer beside me. Hanna was still dead asleep, but now she was spread out on the floor.

I grabbed the pillow that was under my head and threw it at Hanna. It hit her straight in the face and she shot up. She glared at me before throwing the pillow back. "What was that for?" she asked.

"I needed to ask you if you knew where Emily was." I told her.

"Why would I know where she was, I was sleeping." she deadpanned.

"I don't know, she was here when I fell asleep and she wasn't when I woke up." I told her.

"Relax, she probably just went upstairs because the couch was uncomfortable." she said while getting up and walking towards the stairs. I followed closely behind her and I finally relaxed when I saw a sleeping Emily in the bed.

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