Chapter 13

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A/N: I'm sorry this took so long to update. I wasn't able to write due to problems with wifi, but here it is.
Emily's POV

"Wake up, bitch." Hanna said as she poured water over my face. I shot up in the bed and wiped the water away from my eyes before looking at her.

"What do you want, Hanna?" I asked as I closed my eyes and tried to fight off the dizziness from getting up too fast.

"I need you to explain to me why you decided to reenact Juno and not tell me about it." Hanna said, causing me to shoot my eyes back open in surprise.

"What?" I asked, trying to pretend as if I had no idea what she was talking about.

She sighed before sitting next to me on the bed. "Jade told me." she said.

"How much did she tell you?" I asked nervously.

"Enough for me to be worried and pissed at the same time. Why the hell wouldn't you tell Ali about this?" she asked, causing my eyes to immediately tear up at the thought of hurting the love of my life.

"I know that it sounds pretty selfish, but I can't hurt her anymore. She's gone through so much, just for me, and I don't know if she would be able to handle this." I said, my voice cracking.

"If you think that she wouldn't stay with you out of something that you couldn't control, then you are officially the stupidest person I know, and that's saying something, considering that I know myself." she said, making me laugh softly before I got serious again.

"The thing is though, he gave me a choice of whether I would have sex with him, or he would tell my mom where I was so that she would take us away and live with her. I couldn't let them fall back into her trap where she pretends to be a good mother, so I chose the first option, which leads to where we are now." I explained.

"Jesus Christ Emily. You should have told us about this, we could have helped!" Hanna said, raising her voice.

"I'm not used to having other people there to help me! For most of my life, I've been alone, taking care of two other people. I was never in one place long enough to make friends that would help me. Everyone just pities me because I'm the girl whose parents left her. I'm tired of having people pity me! I'm not some piece of glass that is going to be shattered by one wrong move! I don't need help from other people, not that people really want to help me!" I yelled, getting increasingly frustrated.

"You need to look around and notice that there are people here that love you and are here to help you when you need it! You aren't alone anymore, and it's time that you stop acting like you are!" Hanna snapped at me.

I took a deep breath before responding, "I'm sorry. I've just been really stressed trying to keep this all a secret. In the back of my mind, I know that I should tell Ali about this, but there is just this overwhelming fear that she's just going to leave me like everyone else has. Hell, even my brother left me as soon as he was old enough. I know that I shouldn't assume anything, but it's hard not to when you've only known one reaction to things like this."

I looked over to Hanna, who had tears welling in her eyes. We just looked at each other before she lunged towards me and wrapped her arms around me. "I don't know how I'm going to get through this without my best friend." she whispered.

"Luckily you will have three other amazing girls to help you through this. Aria already knows about this, as well as Caleb. They will be more than happy to talk about it with you. I will also make sure that you will have a way of contacting me, if you want to talk to me about it." I said before detaching myself from her hold.

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