Chapter 2

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Alison's POV

After the school day ended, I walked to Emily's class because I just wanted to see her and ask her how her day was. Oh who am I kidding, I just wanted to see her. I've tried so hard to push my feelings for her down into the deepest part of me, but every time I see her I fall more in love with her. I don't think she likes me in that way though. I mean, I know she's a lesbian, but I don't know if I'm her type.

I watched her as she walked out of the classroom with what looked almost like a frown on her face, but as soon as she saw me standing here, her face lit up. Her smile is the best thing that you will ever see. Maybe I'm a little biased because I'm in love with the girl, but if you see it, you can't deny that It's pretty freaking adorable.

"Hey stranger." I said with a smile. "How was your day?'

"Is THE Ali D talking to me?" she sarcastically asked me with a fake shocked look on her face. I giggled at how weird she was.

"Why yes she is, and she would like to know how your day was so answer her question!" I laughed and lightly pushed her as we walked to her locker.

"It was fine, I guess." she mumbled. I could tell that something has been bothering her for weeks, but whenever I ask her what it is, she just tells me that it's nothing and walks away. We stopped outside of her locker and I put my hand on her arm.

"You know that you can talk to me if something's bothering you, right?" I asked her with concern laced through my voice.

"Yeah, I know." She said. "I just don't think I'm ready to talk about it yet." I nodded so she knew that I understood. She got some stuff out of her locker and closed t before she turned to me.

"I have to go and pick up the other two from school, but I'll text you later, okay?" She looked me straight in the eyes as she said this and it made my stomach do flips.

"Yeah I'll see you later." I managed to speak even though her beauty left me speechless. I watched as she turned and walked out of the school. I almost forgot about the fact that she talked about her siblings. I can almost never get her to talk about herself, so I feel like this is a step forward. She seems to really care about them, so I kinda want to meet them. I forgot that I was still standing there looking at where Emily was just standing until Spencer walked up behind me.

"Hellooo... Earth to Ali!" she yelled at me. I turned around and glared at her.
"What do you want?" I asked her icily. She just looked at me for a few moments before she spoke.

"I just wanted to tell you that we were all going to the brew and we wanted to see if you wanted to come."

"Oh, okay. I'll be there." I answered.

"Also, you might want to be more careful with your staring. People might start to think you like her." She pointed out. Oh Spencer, If only you knew, I thought.

I wish that I could just tell people that I was in love with her, but my reputation would be ruined. I'm not sure if she's worth it. Actually, she definitely is. Then, I could look into her chocolate brown eyes whenever I wanted to and not have to worry about other people thinking that I'm in love with her because they would know that I am.

I walked out to my car and drove to the brew. I wish Emily could come but she's always so busy. I ordered myself a latte and sat down with the other girls.

Emily's POV

I drove to the middle school and picked up Jade. She got into the car with a smile on her face and said thank you for picking her up.

"Well someone seems to be in a better mood than this morning." I teased.

"I just needed to wake up a little bit more." she justified. "Can you please drive?"

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