Chapter 14

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5 years later...

Emily's POV

I had just finished a session with my therapist, and was on my way back to the apartment. I knew that Toby was working today, so that meant that my son was going to be at Mrs. Jefferson's apartment.

I walked towards my apartment building and stopped in the lobby to pick up the mail. Most of the envelopes were just bills and junk mail, but then I saw an envelope that had fancy writing on it. It was addressed to me and I saw that it had come from Hanna and Caleb.

I opened the letter, and was met with a wedding invitation. I was honestly surprised that they hadn't told me yet. With how long I've known them, they usually tell me everything first. I didn't think much of it at the moment, but I knew that there was no way that I was going to miss my two best friends getting married.

Anyway, you might be wondering what has happened in these last few years. Well, to start off, I had my son, Noah James Fields, on December 23 (he was definitely the favorite Christmas present). We have been living with Toby for the last five years. I got a job as a bartender at the local bar, where I met my other friend, Felix. He's from Australia, and his accent definitely threw me off the first time that I heard it. (A/N: I've been obsessed with the kpop group Stray Kids, so that is where I got this character.)

Back in Rosewood, Hanna and Caleb moved in together, which they told me about almost right after they decided to. Jade and Jack still live with Hanna's mom. Jade is now a senior in high school, and Jack is just starting high school. Aria and Noel broke up a year after I left, but that's okay because they are now both in better relationships. Noel is now dating Jordan, and Aria is dating Ezra, our former English teacher. I can't say that I'm completely used to it yet, but I'm getting there.

The only person that I don't know anything about is the one that I want to know about the most. Everyone refuses to tell me anything about Ali, but I guess that is for the better. I don't think that I could ever forgive myself for what I did. After a few of my sessions with my therapist, I realized what I did was wrong, but I was too afraid to go back. I don't think that I could face her after what I did to her. I know that I should apologize, but I don't think that she would want anything to do with me.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I almost ran into the door. I knocked on the door, and waited a few minutes before the door opened to reveal Mrs. Jefferson. She moved to the side to let me in, but I could only take a few steps before my son came running at me full-force.

"Mama!" I heard him say right before he ran into my legs and hugged them tightly. I picked him up and he buried his face in my neck. I turned my head in order to give him small kisses on his head.

"How's my baby?" I asked him and I heard him giggle softly before lifting his head and putting his hands on my cheeks.

"I played with some lego's today, and I colored some pictures for you!" he said excitedly.

"For me?" I asked, making myself sound as excited as him. He patted my arm so that I would let him down. As soon as his feet hit the floor, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the table, where there was a picture of a puppy that he had scribbled over. He turned over the paper, and saw a picture that he had drawn.

"This is you, this is me, that is Uncle Toby, and there is Uncle Lixie!" he said while pointing at each of the stick figures.

"That's a beautiful drawing baby!" I said while I put both of my hands on his shoulders. "Why don't you go grab your bag while I talk to Mrs. Jefferson?" I asked him. He immediately went running towards another room.

"How did he do today? Were there any tantrums?" I asked her. I knew that if he didn't get enough sleep, he would be irritable the entire day, much like me.

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