Chapter 7

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The next morning...

I woke up to the sun shining brightly through the blinds. I groaned and dug my head into Emily's neck.

"Good morning babe." she said as she giggled at my unwillingness to get up.

"Good morning." I mumbled back to her. She used the arm that was wrapped around my waist to bring me so i was laying on top of her. She kissed me lightly and I smiled into the kiss. Once we pulled away, I put my forehead against hers. "I love you." I whispered to her.

"I love you more than anything, Ali." she replied. I gave her another short kiss before I got out of bed. We had been getting more comfortable basically living together, so now we just change in the same room. Once we were done changing, there was a loud knock on the door. I went downstairs, and opened the door to find a girl I had never seen before.

"Is Emily here?" she asked. Emily was walking down the stairs and she saw who was at the door.

"Why are you here?" Emily asked.

"I wanted to see you. I got a new placement, but it's in California." she answered.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but who exactly are you?" I questioned curiously.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Olivia. I'm a friend of Emily's. It's nice to finally meet the girl Emily wouldn't stop talking about." she said. I looked back at Emily, who was blushing deeply.

"Well, I do my fair share of talking about her myself." I said. Olivia laughed at that before I moved to the side to let her in. She immediately walked over to Emily and hugged her. I would feel jealous, but I know that they're just friends. I could tell by the way Emily hugged her. When she hugs me, she completely wraps her arms around my waist. When she hugs Olivia, she puts her arms around her shoulders. I've seen her do the same thing when she hugs Hanna.

When they pulled away, Emily had tears in her eyes. "When do you leave?" she asked.

"I leave Saturday morning, so we still have a few days." Olivia answered.

"Will you be at the center this afternoon? We're going and I think it would be best if we were all together before you leave." Emily asked.

"I'll come, but I swear if Sean cries then we're all gonna be a mess." Olivia said. Emily laughed at that statement.

"I have to go now, but I will see you this afternoon." Olivia said. Emily and I walked her to the door and they hugged before she left.

Once the door was closed behind her, I turned to Emily. "So, why have I never heard about her before?"

"Because we kind of knew that we would have been split up at some point so we try to not get too attached to each other. I would do anything to stay here with you." She answered.

"I can promise you that I will work my hardest so that you guys can stay here in Rosewood." I told her.

We were interrupted by Jack running down the stairs. "I thought I heard Olivia. Is she still here?" He asked, out of breath.

"Sorry bud. She just left. But, she's going to be at the center this afternoon." Emily answered him. He did a little happy dance before he ran back upstairs to get ready.

"So, someone told me that your birthday is coming up. What do you want for your birthday?" I asked Emily once we were alone.

"Jack told you, didn't he? I really don't want anything Ali. You're everything I need." she said as she put her arms around my waist.

"Wow, Fields. You really know how to make a girl blush." I teased her and pecked her lips.

"The only thing I really want is to be with my family. That includes you and the girls." she told me.

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