He's gone....

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I had a large debate in my own head about weather I should or should not permanent kill someone off and we'll...this is my answer (◠‿◕)

"Get your filthy ass, mother fucking,  hands away from my god dam son"


"Wilbur no"

Dream turned around, dropping the sword. The tall, blond haired, winged me stood there majestically with his other sons behind him. Techno had his long hair in a plat. It was a messy one but he still looked cool. His peircing sharp fangs looked as if they'ed been sharpened for this very occasion. He had his cross bow in hand, loaded with fireworks. Wilbur gripped his sword as he smiled. He beanie on for the first time in a while, his freckles glistened and contrasted with his eyes, which were filled with anger and destruction.

Tommy looked up, tears running down his face "Papa" he mouthed. The first time in a while his face was full of glee enjoy as Phil said they're all amazing. Techno and Wilbur may have not been his real brothers by blood or however you want to put it but they would definitely is brothers bye love and by choice... somewhat anyway and by Will.

"Tommy just sit tight we're going to get you out of here I prom-" Wilbur was cut off by Dream slamming his foot on the ground. "No, no no no no, this is not how it was meant to be. You're going to leave this place immediately before I make you am I understood?" Dream growled, grabbing the diamond sword that shone slightly in the lights and put it to Tommy neck. "Any closer and I'll do it I'll slit his throat right here right now and just let him bleed out."

Tommy let out a slight whimper of fear. He didn't want to die, who did? But he had come so far, been hurt so much, been teased so often and he couldn't just be killed off now, even if he would respawn.

Techno let out a dark laugh, forming psychotic. Wilbur and Phil shivered from it as Dream looked at him confused but quickly Fell pail when an axe was pulled out.

"Dream let's go this...'peacfully' shall we" he smirked at his own pun before going in and attacking Dream. The two went at eachothers necks as Phil ran go Tommy and Wilbur ran to Scott. Tommy was clutching his chest, spluttering and coughing "No no no, my son what happened?"

Tommy looked up at him, smiling weakly "I'm o-Okay Papa" he mumbled, smiling. It was rare for any of the three to call Phil dad, Papa, Apa, father-And name for dad. It usually happened out of a joke or when something really really bad happened...of If Techno was lying to him. "I know, I've got you" he pulled Tommy into his lap, his wings covering the two of them as he rocked him back and forth, whispering praises to him.

"Scott you good?" Wilbur asked, looking panicked. Scott made the hashtag symbol "Hashtag first death" he laughed weakly, his voice sounded horrible. Wilbur out a finger to Scott's lips "Shh, You sound like shite" Scott rolled his eyes and smiled "Thanks" he mouthed.

Trigger warning

"STOP MOVING" Techno yelled, slashing down, hitting the wall. Dream growled and swung, hitting Techno in the stomach. He yurked forward as he gripped his stomach, blood was now pooling out of the fresh wound. "YOU BITCH"

The room fell quiet and turned to Techno, his eyes were blood red and a peircing smile tugged at his lips. "Shit" Dream whispered as he ducked the flying axe "Hahaha, what-Gah" he ducked again at the flying sword.

Dream ran and grabbed them but the second he turned his back he felt something shoot through him. He yelled in pain as he dropped to his knees. His body screamed out in pain as he screamed "Poison arrows...I forgot I had those" Techno laughed.

He gripped his chest as he screamed out again. Scott stubbled to his feet and ran over, "Dream?" He asked, grabbing Dreams hand "I-Im f-Fine" he growled before crying out in pain. "Get him a healing pot-"

"N-no it's okay....I-I wanna g-go" he whispered, moving so he was laying in the floor on his side. "m-mask" Scott unclipped the mask and threw it across the floor before falling pail. Dream had a large scar across his right eye, what was blind. His other eye was pitch black. Freckles covered his face. "I-I'm....so so s-sorry Sc-Scott...t-Tommy....I'm sorry"

Dreams eyes fell lifeless as he layed there in his own pool of blood, unmoving. "DREAM" Scott yelled in pure agony as tears grew in his eyes "No no no. NO PLEASE" Techno walked over and placed a hand in Scott's shoulder.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT" He screamed out, charging at Techno. Techno restrained him as Scott yelled profanitys at him. "Scott he tried to kill you-NO NO, HE DID KILL YOU" Wilbur yelled back, trying to help Techno.

"SO!? I-I....He...helped..me" he mumbled, calming down and looking at the floor. Tears fell from his diamond blue eyes as Techno let him go "He....a uh, a while ago...I was sat playing with some fish, I was 14 he was 16 and I fell into the water and then he saved me but now....I cant save him"

Scott was crying as Wionir walked over and hugged him "Shhh, it's okay. Just cry it all out" Scott started to sob into his chest. Dreams body wasn't disappearing. He was dead....gone for good. He wasn't coming back. Tommy had passed out in Phil's arms out of pain. The thing George injected him with was still in his body making him weak and close to death.

"Come on boys, let's go home. We can leave Sapnap and George here alone" Phil said, standing up and holding Tommy close to his chest. Techno picked Scott up and the five made there way out if the maze of a building.


Though if I do get enough motivation I might make a part two for you guys.

I love you lots guys

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