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I sat there, waiting by the button, waiting for my cue. This festival will go up in flames and no one can stop me. Not even the small Tommyinnit. Schlatt stood on the podium, laughing as he gripped the microphone. He was making fun of Tubbo, making fun of my friends.

Wake up

Tubbo took a hold of the microphone and took a deep breath. "Well I'm short so I can't reach the microphone like Schlatt can but that won't matter" I chuckled slightly as techno walked over, holding a pick axe. "I'm going to need to break that button Wilbur" I laughed at him.

" no no Technoblade. I can't let you do that. I've worked so dam hard for this I won't let you take it away from me" he looked at me, pure fear in his eyes as I smiled. "'re so much better then Wilbur" Fundy yelled.

It's not real. Wake up

"Awww scared" I grinned. He crouched down and took my chin into his hands. "Snap out of it you really want to do this?" He asked. I laughed. "Of course I do. I want it all gone. Blown up. If I can't have L'manberg...THEN NO ONE CAN" he flinched back, moving his hand away from me.

"...Do you really think Phil would be proud?"

Wilbur jolted up, covered in sweat as he panted. Tears fell down his face, gripping the bed sheets. The door to the drug van swung open and the familire fox ran in. "What happened?" He asked. Wilbur looked at his son, tears falling fast. "G-Get out"

"What? Dad what do you-"


Fundy flinched and turned around to the door. "No" he locked the door and went over to Wilbur, hugging him. "I'm assuming it was a nightmare. It wasn't real, and never will be. Please don't cry" Wilburs breath hitched as he gripped fundys l'mangerg suit. "I'm s-sorry for yelling" he was shaking as Fundy petted his floofy brown hair. "It's okay dad...I'm sorry to. I don't know what I did in the dream but I promise you it will never happen"

"O-okay...I-I'm going to get some s-sleep. Night Fundy" Wilbur pulled away and smiled at his hybrid son. "Good night dad" Fundy walked off, unlocking the door and leaving. Wilbur had his breathing under control as he layed back down, closing his eyes.


"Run...TOMMY RUN GET OUT OF THERE" I screamed as we booked it for Tubbos secret area. "Take a potion take them all" tommy said, taking out the speed and invisible potions. I guzzled them and grabbed Tommys hand, running fast.

We made it out of L'manberg and ran straight to the woods. Not knowing where we were going. "Wilbur...are we going to die?" I stopped in my tracks as Tommy looked up at me, tears falling. I pulled him into a tight hug. "No, we won't die. We will get Tubbo, Niki, and whoever else. It will be okay"


Wilbur shot up again, panting. His mind flood with emotions. It had been two hours since the last nightmare. Fundy would be asleep, Thunder would be out on watch duty with Tubbo. Niki would be sleeping. He was alone. "I-i need to sleep. I'll ask Dream about this in the morning" he muttered.

"When can I go home?" Wilbur turned around to see Tommy, dream, George and Sapnap. Wilbur tried to yell something but he couldn't. He couldn't be seen or heard. "When you tell us where the discs are. No-one is coming for you" Dream laughed as tommy gave the three a disgusted look. He was scared, terrified but it was clear he wanted to stay strong. "No. I will never EVER give up the location. I-I...I would rather be tourchered, killed over and over again but I will never give them up. You can't find them" Tommy had tears on his eyes as he stood up from the wooden seat, slamming his hands on Tue table.

Snap out of it

"Now let me go before I make you" Sapnap chuckled. "He thinks he can tell is what to do. Maybe a punishment should be done. Maybe a trip to...the lake?" Tommy gulped. "The lake was something when you would be tied up and the water would slowly rise higher and higher" George smirked

Wilbur went wide eyed. He knew what was going on. These weren't dreams...this was the-Wake up

"TOMMY RUN" I screamed and I think Tommy heard me. His eyes suddenly darted around. "Throw the chair at Dream. George will run to him and Sapnap is easy to take do-"


Kidnapped by the enemy [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now