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There are four references in this story...tell me if you find them

Tommy jolted awake in, soaked in sweat as he gasped and gagged for air. He choaked on nothing as he gripped his chest. He couldn't breathe. No matter what he did he couldn't get air into his lungs. Tears fell as he felt himself slip away from reality. The door was swung open but Tommy didn't know who it was as he collapsed just before seeing. His body hit the floor and the tall male ran over. "I am so dead" the male mumbled.

The male picked up Tommy and placed him on the bed, tucking him in and giving him a light kiss on the head. "You're so lucky Wilbur and Phil like you or my head would be on a spike" The guy smirked and messed up the sick boys hair. "Do use a favor, please don't die...son I need you alive. And then you would yell at me because I'm not your dad, I'm just a really close friend" The guy chuckled. He went to walk away when he felt something grab his hand. "D-Don't be a-a dick t-techno...a-at lease r-read me a-a story" the blond boy whined. "Alright alright, fine I will"

Techno sat on the floor and pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. "The original story?" Tommy nodded weakly. "You basically know it off by heart but okay." Techno sighed and smiled as he began to read the paper. "It was a dark summers evening, not a sound in the house. Nothing was heard, not even a mouse" tommy gave a weak giggle as Techno continued. "Uo the stairs, round the corner to a little red door, with a little red bell. The door opened and inside a small boy, asleep on the bed. He made the smallest of sounds as he slept safe and sound." Techno looked uo to sew Tommy yawning.

"The boy stirred and the boy shifted but never a sound came from the boys lips. He stoped moving and stoped shifting to were he continued to sleep in his slumber." Techno could hear a faint snore but continued any way...for old times sake. "The door closed and down the stairs to let the little boy sleep in his little boy room with his little boy door. There was no sound in the house...not even...a mouse" Techno put the paper back into the small hidden pocket in his prince gown (?) And stood up. "Night Tommy...I shouldn't even be here. If dream saw me here I would be toast...not burnt though just slightly crispy" with that, the king male...was gone.


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