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Hay...So its been a while. Sorry about that, I've been busy so sorry. It's my dads birthday so I've been sorting that out and I'm going harry potter world Tomorrow so no update there. Also I've written this on the google version so it might be a bit crap. Sorry.


George sprinted out as Tommy waited. He watched the door slamm close and listened for the click...but nothing. Tommy looked up to the camera but it wasn't bleeping red, so no-one was on it. Tommy walked over to the door door and pushed it, nearly falling over since it swung open. He regained balance and began to run down the corridor. His body screamed to go back as in immense pain.

The lights flickered slightly as he ran. It was a basic horror movie. Voices echoed around the halls as Tommy froze in his place. He held his breath as the voices walked past and disappeared. He let out a heavy breath as he dashed down the hall again, looking around as he couldn't find door out or anything. It was like a labyrinth, so many different turns and twists and ways into different doors or dead ends but nothing to leave. 

"I was told Dream wants to use him against the L'manbergians " Tommy paused and crept over to the slightly a jarred door, listening closely. "Huh...I can see why but Tommy of all people?" That was George. "I wasn't aloud to choose who I had to capture, It was a fifty-fifty. Him or Tubbo. and I didn't want tommy on my tail" Sapnap laughed.

Tommy's thoughts blended into one as he remembered that day. He had passed out on dream but...Dream didn't kidnap him...Sapnap did. He shook his head. "No no...Dream kidnaped me, right?"


"D-Dream" He snarled. "Mind telling me what you're doing?" Dream asked, walking closer. "Oh that's s-simple really" Dream was a few centimeters away from Tommy. "I'm...I'm..." THUD. Tommy collapsed into Dreams arms. Dream Froze...what was he supposed to do? Tommy had just collapsed and..."what?" Dream looked at the past out boy and gulpe slightly. If he was caught holding the enemy like this Wilbur would snap his neck. He picked up the boy in a bridal style and walked off, looking around to make sure no-one spotted them.

He walked over to the embassy and placed him on the bed. "Idiot" he mumbled as he placed down a book.


Tommy sighed as he continued to eardrop on the conversation. "He was passed out on the bed, it was an easy Knick." Sapnap said, trying to defend himself. "Any anyway, Tubbo wouldn't be able to take the kind of pain or torture Tommy's going through" George sighed. "I guess you're right. But what will the L'manbergians say huh? You should have gone for Wilbur or Jack. It would have been a lot better to explain. Not the right fucking hand man" Sapnap flinched from the sudden out burst.

"Georgie calm down...it's okay" Sapnap cooed as he placed a hand on George's shoulder. "You wont get in trouble and you know it" Tommy gagged at that and started to run off again. He didn't need that icky stuff in his life at the minuet.

It felt like days...but it was only a few hours till he saw a large blue door. All the voices in head screamed at him to run. He listened to them and ran to the door, shoving it open. He collapsed against the damp grass. He groaned as he stood up, before being shoved back down. Tommy looked up and gulped on seeing the green bitch stood there. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked, sword pointed to Tommy's neck.

"Oh me?" Dream rolled his eyes. "Who else would it be?" He pushed the sword closer to his neck. Tommy shuffled back slightly, he didn't want to show he was scared but he was.

"I was just going to the...uh the chip shop down the rode. George was hungry" He chuckled but stopped quickly when he felt the cold blade against his neck. "F-Fuck" Tommy mumbled. "Now shall we go back inside?" Tommy hesitated but eventually nodded. Dream smiled, Though it was hidden from the mask,  and moved the blade. Tommy stood up and smiled as he looked at Dream.

 "I'm not sorry for this"

Kidnapped by the enemy [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now