Chapter 12: Trouble in Paradise

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The next day, Grace was hanging out with her cousins at the pool, all in their swimwear. Not too far from them, Charles and Camilla were with Katherine and Daniel, enjoying each other's company. Ryan came up to his new friends and said to Grace, smiling politely, "Looking good, Grace." Grace turned around from talking to Will and replied, taking in Ryan's new wardrobe, "Wow, Wildcat!" Ryan looked down at his apperance and said, "Too much?" Gabbi replied, coming up to her group of friends, "Only in daylight." Grace chuckled at Gabbi and said to her, "I'm just glad that he's trying. East High colors are very......How should I say this? Out there?" Ryan grinned at his friend and replied, "Gotta support your school, right?" Will grinned at his cousin's friends and said, "Couldn't be more correct, Ryan." Harry nodded in agreement, smiling. Grace said to Ryan, her smile becoming brighter, "Everyone is excited about the show." Ryan sighed and replied, "I know everyone thinks I'm my sister's poodle....." Gabbi said, slightly blushing, "If anyone was thinking that yesterday, no one is today." Grace smirked at her best friend's blushing cheeks, she had a feeling that her friend had a crush on Ryan. Grace said to Ryan, smirking, "Hey, Ryan. What was that step you did last night? Gabbi has been wanting to you ask you but keeps on forgetting." Gabbi looked at her with her eyes widened but then glared at her.

Grace just smiled and mouthed, as Ryan started to show her, 'You'll thank me later.' Grace turned around to look at her cousins but noticed that Troy was coming up to her. Troy said to his girlfriend, "Hey." Grace replied, feeling tense, "Hey." Now noticing Troy, Ryan and Gabbi untangled themselves, feeling slightly embarrassed. Troy said to Will and Harry, greeting them, "Hello, Your Highnesses." He remembered Grace's conversation about how to greet royalty and the protocol that came with it. Will and Harry only nodded at the teenage boy, seeing how tense their cousin was. Troy turned back to his girlfriend and said to her, "So, I called you back last night. I got hung up at the gym." Grace sighed and replied, glancing at the ground, "I figured as much." Ryan saw that his friend was a little tense and uncomfortable around her boyfriend and said to Troy, trying to relieve the tension, "So, my dad says that you're doing great with those college guys." Troy smiled and replied, "Oh, yeah. It feels like another new world with them." Grace walked over to her cousins, standing between them, and placed her right hand over her left arm. Will sighed at his cousin's sadness and wrapped his arm around her, bringing her into his side. Gabbi said to Troy, "You should've been at the game, Troy. Ryan, over here, has some moves." Ryan grinned and imitated a bat swing. Ryan said, nodding at Grace's direction, "Yeah, but dessert was the best. Grace and her mom make the best cookies in the universe." Troy nodded, glaring at the blonde haired boy, and replied, "Yeah, I know. I have had them." Ryan nodded and said to his new group of friends, nodding at Will and Harry, "Well, I'll see you guys later. Good day, Your Highnesses." Grace just smiled at Ryan, waving him goodbye, before turning back to Troy. Her smile fell and walked into the direction of her parents and uncle and step-aunt, followed by her cousins. Troy went to call out Grace's name but seeing that she wasn't going to respond, he just didn't say anything and left. Gabbi was the only one left and sighed. She knew that there was trouble in her friends' paradise.

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