Chapter 6: You are the Music in Me

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The next day, Grace was on the golf course with her cousins and watched as they played golf. After the interrupted date between her and her boyfriend, she had made sure to stay clear from Mr. Fulton. She had already gotten a lecture from her parents the night before, she didn't need another one. Her thoughts were interrupted when her phone went off, startling both her and her two cousins. Grace looked at her phone and saw a message from Troy, telling her to meet him in the kitchen. She held back a groan. Ever since her cousins and uncle had arrived, it seemed like Troy had become needy and wanting to be with her more often. She rarely saw her mother's side of the family and it was a blessing whenever she did. The girl made her way to the kitchens and found her boyfriend talking to Chad. She took notice of the annoyance on Troy's face while Chad had a scolding expression.

Naturally, she would be curious but she was concerned. Grace walked over to Troy and said to him, "I got your text. Can we make this fast, please? Uncle Charlie wants me to have lunch with him today." However, before Troy could respond, Grace heard the sound of a piano being played and she followed the sound. Troy only watched his girlfriend then followed after her, calling her name. The teenage girl then found herself in a room with Kelsi, who was playing the piano. Grace smiled and said to the girl, "Hi, Kelsi. What was that you were playing? It sounded good." Kelsi smiled and replied, blushing, "Oh, it was nothing. You know, I actually have a ladies' luncheon to get ready to play at and Duchess Camilla is supposed to be there so I have to play my best." Grace only chuckled then took the sheet music to look at them, going through the pieces of paper. She stopped when she noticed her and Troy's names on the first page.

When the teenage girl felt her boyfriend come to her side, she gave him a smile and handed him the music scores. Kelsi said, "I'm just excited for the club's talent show. I mean, the employees can do a number and I have an idea for everyone. You guys can do the lead, Zeke and Chad can do backup, and everyone can dance." Troy shook his head and replied, "Whoa, hold up. That's a no can do. My music career ended with the East High Musical." Grace rolled her eyes with a smile, she knew that he was just playing chicken. She turned to her friend said to her, "Why don't you play it again, Kelsi?" The girl took the music sheet from Troy and nudged him to join her. Troy only smiled as he playfully rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath.

Na-na-na-na, yeah
You are the music in me
You know the words "Once upon a time"
Make you listen, there's a reason

[Kelsi with Grace]:
When you dream, there's a chance you'll find
A little laughter
Or happy ever after

[Troy and Grace]:
You're harmony to the melody
That's echoin' inside my head

[Grace (Troy)]:
A single voice (Single voice)
Above the noise

[Troy and Grace]:
And like a common thread

Hmm, you're pullin' me

When I hear my favorite song
I know that we belong

Oh, you are the music in me
Yeah, it's livin' in all of us

And it's brought us here because

[TROY with Grace]:
Because you are the music in me

[Troy and Grace]:


[Troy and Grace]:

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