Chapter 8: Late Date Night

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The next day, Grace spent her time with her step-aunt, since she hadn't been able to yet. She and Camilla were at the resort's spa, getting massages along with pedicures and manicures. As she sat next to her step-aunt, Grace's thoughts were towards Troy. After seeing him with Sharpay and her family the day before, she had been hesitant to be around him. She knew that Sharpay had always wanted to be with Troy, even before she arrived. However, that didn't make things easy for her. The girl had seen how her boyfriend was with who she thought was her friend. Noticing her step-niece's change of mood and thoughtful gaze, Camilla became concerned. She frowned and said to the young teenager, "Is everything alright, darling? You seem distracted." Grace shook away from her thoughts and turned to her step-aunt. She gave the older woman a soft smile and replied, "I was just thinking, Aunt Camilla. My boyfriend and I are supposed to have a date tonight." Shocked at the revelation, Camilla smiled brightly. She chuckled and said, "And, who is the boy that had stolen your heart? Do any of us know him?" Grace giggled and replied, "My parents and brothers do. When we first came to Albuquerque, he was one of my and my brother's first friends, especially his friend group. After the winter show, we started to date. He's also the captain of the East High's basketball team." Camilla smiled and said, "He sounds like a keeper, sweetheart." Grace chuckled and sighed, still thinking about yesterday. She replied, turning to look at her step-aunt, "I don't know, Aunt Camilla. Things have changed between us lately. We've been on our own schedules, so much so that we haven't been able to see each other. For another matter, he's been hanging out with the Evan's family more while I've been with mine. I don't want to sound like I'm jealous or needy.......but......" Camilla gave her step-niece a sympathetic smile and said, placing her hand on the teenager's shoulder, "You don't want to end up losing him or your friends, I understand. I felt the same way with your uncle but part of me was very wary of being with him." Grace replied, glancing at her, "Because of Aunt Diana and him being royal?" Camillia nodded and said, "I know that we should've stopped as soon as we started but we were in our own world. At the time, we didn't care what other people thought or said without considering that others would be affected. I'm sure that once you two sit down and talk, it will be fine. Give him a chance." Taking in what her step-aunt had said, the teenager looked at the older woman and nodded.

Later that evening; while waiting for Troy, Grace laid on one of the lounge chairs as she played on her phone. When she heard her name being called, the girl looked up and spotted Taylor and Gabbi coming towards her. She gave them a smile and said to them, "Hey, Taylor, Gabbi. What are you girls doing out here?" Gabbi returned the smile and took a seat next to her friend while Taylor stood in front of them. Her smile turned into a concerned frown and said, "We could ask you the same thing, Gracie." Grace frowned and replied, sighing, "Troy and I were supposed to have a date but it looks like he's late again." After she said that, Grace turned to see her boyfriend running towards them with a distressed look on his face. She noticed that he was in a new outfit, consisting of a nice suit, tie, and shoes but saw that his tie was undone. Troy panted and said, apologizing to his girlfriends, "I'm sorry I'm late. Give me two minutes to change and then I'm all yours." Grace glanced at her two best friends who rose their eyebrows and replied, complimenting on his outfit, "Nice outfit, babe, especially the tie. But, your shoes don't match." Slightly panicked, Troy looked down at his shoes, his eyes widened. Grace laughed and said, "Just kidding." Rolling his eyes, Troy smiled at his girlfriend and then raced to go get changed out of his nice clothes. Turning back to her friends, she smiled softly to herself and her smile turned into a concerned frown. Her eyes glanced between Taylor and Gabbi, seeing their eyebrows raised. Her own eyebrows furrowed and said to them, crossing her arms, "What?" Taylor placed her hand on her hip and replied, "Grace, honey, you can't be serious on wanting to give Troy a penalty on being late for a date." Grace said, "It was only for a few minutes, Tay. That's forgivable. He must have a reason for being late also." Taylor sighed and replied, "Grace, you've been out here by yourself for more than a few minutes." Gabbi nodded in agreement and said, "It's been an hour." Taylor continued, "Two minutes is being late......but an approaching a felony. Just because Troy is a nice guy, it doesn't mean he's immune to boy disease."

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